Gravatars versionshistorik

4 versioner

Var försiktig med gamla versioner!

Dessa versioner visas för referens och teständamål. Du bör alltid använda den senaste versionen av ett tillägg.

Version 1.2 2.8 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 31.0 - 60.*

Nothing changed but the plugin can now be used in Thunderbird up to version 60

Version 1.1 2.8 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 31.0 - 41.0

Version 1.0 2.9 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 31.0 - 41.0

This version show the message author next to gravatar icon. If you make the column really narrow you will see just the gravatar. If you make it wider you might want to use this instead of the From column. It's your choice.

Note that it currently ignores your address book(s). I would like to add support for it later. (Help is always welcome!)

Version 0.4 2.7 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 31.0 - 41.0