
Om mig

Namn Neuri
Plats Yes.
Yrke Yes.
Användare sedan juli 31, 2013
Antal tillägg utvecklade 0 tillägg
Genomsnittliga betyg för utvecklarens tillägg Inte betygsatt än

Lite mer i detalj...


...Okay enough yes.
If you actually care to know me somehow, SOMEWAY after finding this account, be you a stalker or someone I've lost contact with otherwise.

You can reach me through Steam as of July 31st, 2013 by searching up "Neurivita" on the profiles lists/add friend area.

If you don't find anything, then uhh... stuff.

I only made this account to add theme collections, so there's little point in socializing on this platform.

I hope you, profile peeker, are doing well for yourself in life, and if there are any whom seek ill will of you; best wishes to that resolving, even if the ill will is a literal illness. ...Unless you deserve it, but to that you'll simply have to ask yourself. "Do I?" Sincerely, do you? Self-loathing aside, being as real as can be, do you truly think you deserve it?

Most don't actually deserve the illnesses and/or negativity that plague their lives, so it's kind of depressing when they get in to the mentality of deserving it, when they've done nothing to warrant such severity. ...Everyone has skeletons in their closet, in some way or another.

..Woah wait, this was suppose to be me introducing myself to the community like the help-tip said! ...Hmm.. Well alright. You got my info, some of you have my sympathy. Otherwise?


-Never forget, never be forgotten.

Mina recensioner

ANIMATED - Binary Eyes

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Beautiful and unique, it's got my vote.
I love the blend of white too! Almost seems like the browser is alive hehe.