Historik Versionesh të Last selected message

3 versione

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Version 1.2 12.1 KiB Funksionon me Thunderbird 102.0 - 115.*

- New: Add Unified Folders support
- Changed the method of scrolling through the message list

Version 1.1 11.0 KiB Funksionon me Thunderbird 102.0 - 115.*

The previous version displayed the message in the Message Pane and selected the message in the Message List but did not change the position of the scroll bar, so the selection was sometimes not visible.
In this version, the way you select messages has been changed. Now the message list is automatically scrolled to show the selected message. This method may be a bit slower on older computers, so the checkbox has been added to the Options that allows you to use the previous method.

Version 1.0 8.6 KiB Funksionon me Thunderbird 102.0 dhe më të vonshëm