Vlerësuar me 3 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

removing functionality for the sake of vanity is exactly the problem with Mozilla's firefox design choices as of late. there seems to be no end to the dev team stripping out core functions that were always standard in place of useless and petty ones. while you may think it is "too" busy, that doesnt change the fact you're still removing functionality, justified/deliberate or not. sorry i don't subscribe to the way of thinking, in fact i oppose it vehemently. really wanted to like the addon, what a shame.

reply:your addon manager window is insanely small, im not trying to tell you how to run things but ...no wonder, and i suppose resizing it is out of the question? i am happy to hear you plan on making this an option when you do your re-write, glad to hear it. i might just come back to this addon. i really did give it an honest go. i just got tired of not having the buttons accessible. anyone like myself, often installing/uninstalling gresemonkey scripts will also find the missing buttons a pain. hope to see that make it in sooner than later.

Ky përdorues ka shqyrtim të mëparshëm të kësaj shtese.

It was less for vanity and more so that the buttons don't take up over half the dialog. It looks like this with the buttons enabled: https://i.imgur.com/zjQ3hGV.png.

I intend to add options to this when I rewrite it, but I have so much other crap to fix in Firefox that I haven't managed to get to that yet. In the meantime, you should still be able to use right-click -> Remove, double-click -> Remove, or this in Stylish:

@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);
@-moz-document url(about:addons) {
.addon button.remove { display: inherit !important; }

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

This is just what I needed, and despite warnings that it's broken in Firefox, it still works in the latest version of Thunderbird.

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

The window just comes up blank except for left-edge icons. Doesn't matter if browser.preferences.inContent is true or false in about:config. I had to go into FF-Safe mode to disable Classicish Add-on Mgr, and now deal with the UGLY Mozilla cruft, that lacks information I want (version #'s). Hope you can fix it soon ...!

Thanks for the update! Sorry the Mozdevs have madelife so difficult for most all the add-on developers. Customizeability USED to be one of the great talking-points for using FF. Alas, no longer. Hopefully, when you do get around to fixing Classicish AOM, the rev numbers will be shown again (as they should be). Thanks for all your efforts to do things right, unlike the Mozdevs ...

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Yeah, it's very broken, sorry. I just uploaded a new version that fixes the biggest issue (the blank window), but Mozilla also landed the in-content theme for about:addons in Fx40, which totally screws up the styling, and I just haven't had the motivation to do anything about that yet.

(It's a bit of a pain to fix, because I basically need to rewrite the extension, and Australis pretty much killed all my enthusiasm for upgrading off of 3.6, so I've just been using 3.6+28.0 since then, so the horrible about:addons styling hasn't been bothering me so much. I do intend to update this extension, because I'll need to upgrade at /some/ point, but it just hasn't happened yet.)

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

doesn't work on Firefox 40 Beta..

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Vlerësuar me 3 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Works fine with EN-US Seamonkey 2.33.1 (German Language pack) Gecko/20100101 Build 20150321194901 (Default Theme) on German WIN7 64bit. But to me the handling needs getting used to:
a) "Remove" Button always missing in add-ons-list
b) Checkbox "AMO integration" needs explication, I haven`t a clue what that might be for.
c) Checkbox "open in TAB" needs explication. Explication tells that "Add-ons Manager opens in its own window", but for me the default setting was "open in TAB",
what means that an additional TAB will be opened in Browser Window for add-ons-manager. Additional I think that without checkmark here the Add-on-manager
will not open in a new Window (what would be the same like a window with menu 'File -> New -> Browser Window'), but in a separate "dialog" (I am not sure whether that is an official name).

Reply to developer's comment April 14, 2015:
z) you are right, the missing "Remove" button is mentioned in add-on explication. But I do no t think that that is useful in a TAB ofa 1920x1080 screen

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

That's actually deliberate. There's less space in a small dialog than in a full-screen window, it starts to look kinda busy with Disable/Enable and Remove for every single extension, and how often do you remove extensions anyway?

You can use the context menu, or double-click to open the full details page and use the Remove button there. Or if you really want Remove buttons in the main listing, use this in Stylish:

@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);
@-moz-document url(about:addons) {
.addon button.remove { display: inherit !important; }

Edit: Hey, did you know that AMO doesn't email me when reviews are edited? Yes, that's a fair opinion. I'm going to have to rewrite the whole extension to handle all the breakage in Fx40, so I'll see what I can do about these buttons while I'm at it. (It'll have to be an option of some kind, because I still think 3-4 buttons for every single extension is a bit too much.)

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Very cool. I do have one suggestion though. If you could please change line 260 of extensions_override.css, (for .category) from "width: 4.5em;" to "min-width: 4.5em"? Hard-coding the width like this makes it inflexible to some modifications I'm doing. It would also be nice if your extension added an attribute or a class to #addons-page so that userstyles, themes, and extensions could actually support it. It's impossible to detect if it's on from CSS.

Edit: Thanks... I figured out a way around it: width:100%!important; ... this overrides the fixed width and uses the appropriate width for the content. Trying to get everything to work in my latest version of SeaFox, which has even more "classic" look. :)

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

An attribute makes a lot of sense; I'll add that.

I looked at the "width: 4.5em" rule... and it looks like it's completely unnecessary. It renders exactly the same without it, even back in Firefox 5.0. Which means I need to work out why it was there in the first place...

(I also need to work out how to handle the CtP plugin setting UI, which has been semi-broken for far too long, so it's going to take me a few days to upload a new version, plus however long it takes to get reviewed after that.)

Vlerësuar me 4 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Excellent addon! Not perfect, but overall works great and goes along very nicely with classic Firefox themes.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Vlerësuar me 3 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

[solved] can u make it as sleek and compact as "cleanest addon manager" i.e disable addon info in the list

edit : yup , they are compatible. thanx

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

It actually seems to work okay(ish) together with Cleanest Addon Manager. You can use this CSS with Stylish to patch up some of the odd bits: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/3422457

I'll have to do a bit of thinking if I want to ship that CSS by default, since I'd like to avoid just blindly adding !important rules to patch over other !important rules.

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Mr. Mozilla needs to put this in the default FF build pronto! :)

Good job Dagger! Thx

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Before installing this, I coudn´t see the edges of the add-ons manager. Thank you very much.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

занимает меньше места на экране) скины, правда теперь не так работают и криво порой. но нафиг их.
не хватает настроек, размер шрифта, цвета, и тп

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm


Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Vlerësuar me 4 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

I really like it. The only thing is Greasemonkey doesn't show when add-ons is open. I'm not sure that's even something that could be fixed but if you could that would be great. Thanks.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

It looks like this is caused by the 'document.getElementById("categories");' at the bottom of change_default_view.xul. With that line, Greasemonkey decides not to add itself to the list. Without that line, if you close the AM with the search tab selected, it loads addons://updates/available rather than the default tab. Bizarre. (That line isn't even supposed to do anything!)

I will try and fix this properly, but for now the workarounds are either to pick "Manage User Scripts" from the GM menu/toolbar icon, or to use Scriptish instead.

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Excellent add-on. Perfectible, but five stars for your great idea and your work. Thanks!

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Vlerësuar me 4 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Très bonne extension pour ceux qui regrettent, comme moi, l'ancienne gestion des extensions. Merci d'y avoir pensé - Mozilla aurait pu nous laisser le choix !

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Vlerësuar me 4 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Good extension, I don't like the tab on my browser and "Classicish Add-on Manager" works good.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Vlerësuar me 4 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

È un ottimo plug-in, che riporta il gestore dei plug-in a come era nelle versioni precedenti a Firefox 4.0, cioé i plug-in si gestiscono da una finestra indipendente dal browser anziché da una scheda del browser (come avviene appunto dalla 4.0 in poi).

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (