Zgodovina različic Bluhell Firewall

15 različic

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Različica 2.6.4 91.9 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 48.0 - 56.*, Firefox 48.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.48 - 2.48, Thunderbird 48.0 - 53.*

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

Različica 2.6.3 89.3 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 48.0 - 55.*, Firefox 48.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.48 - 2.53, Thunderbird 48.0 - 55.*

✔ Fixed xhtml file.

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

Različica 2.6.2 85.4 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 48.0 - 50.*, Firefox 48.0 - 50.*, SeaMonkey 2.48 - 2.48, Thunderbird 48.0 - 50.*

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

Različica 2.6.1 64.6 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 48.0 - 50.*, Firefox 48.0 - 55.*, SeaMonkey 2.48 - 2.48, Thunderbird 48.0 - 50.*


✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

✔ Electrolysis/multi-process compatibility ☉


✔ Fixed minVersion in install.rdf so that it works properly on Fx 48+

Različica 2.6 64.6 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 48.0 - 50.*, Firefox 48.0 - 50.*, SeaMonkey 2.48 - 2.48, Thunderbird 48.0 - 50.*

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

✔ Electrolysis/multi-process compatibility ☉

Različica 2.5.3 54.8 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 22.0 - 39.*, Firefox 22.0 - 49.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.32, Thunderbird 22.0 - 39.*

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

Različica 2.5.2 52.7 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 22.0 - 39.*, Firefox 22.0 - 37.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.32, Thunderbird 22.0 - 32.*

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

Različica 51.4 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 22.0 - 39.*, Firefox 22.0 - 44.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.32, Thunderbird 22.0 - 32.*

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

Različica 49.4 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 22.0 - 36.*, Firefox 22.0 - 37.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.32, Thunderbird 22.0 - 32.*

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

✔ Tested and fixed against Nightly 37.0a1 20141130030213 x86-msvc

Različica 48.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 22.0 - 35.*, Firefox 22.0 - 35.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.32, Thunderbird 22.0 - 35.*

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

Različica 47.1 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 22.0 - 35.0, Firefox 22.0 - 31.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.29.*, Thunderbird 22.0 - 32.*

✔ The Active Protection component provides a new "Allow for Session" button whose action is as for the previous "Allow" button, while clicking on Allow will now save and remember the blocked domain so that you won't get any longer a warning for it.

✔ Fixed issue with wrongly blocked content on pcmag.com, thanks to Trupson for reporting it.

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

Različica 46.8 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 22.0 - 31.*, Firefox 22.0 - 29.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.27, Thunderbird 22.0 - 25.*

✔ Australis Support ☕

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

✔ Minor internal fixes. ☄

Različica 2.1.1-signed 41.9 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 22.0 - 32.0, Firefox 22.0 - 29.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.29, Thunderbird 22.0 - 32.0

✔ Updated blocking lists. 总

Različica 2.0.1-signed 40.7 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 22.0 - 28.*, Firefox 22.0 - 27.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.27, Thunderbird 22.0 - 29.*

Različica 40.4 KiB Deluje s Firefox za Android 10.0a1 - 25.*, Firefox 7.0 - 25.*, SeaMonkey 2.3 - 2.21, Thunderbird 8.0 - 25.0