Zgodovina različic Complete YouTube Saver

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Različica 94.2 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 25.0, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.22

New in Version 4.4.1:
-Repeated comment page download attempts are indicated in the Save Comments window

-Comment page download throttling optimized - does not get stuck on a single empty page, only kicks in when YT starts returning empty pages consistently

-Currently at most around 30 comment pages are accessible

Različica 4.4.1-signed 94.2 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 25.0, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.22

New in Version 4.4:
-Download file size display
-Fine-grained controls for complete page downloads
-Tooltips for detailed menu column headers in Options
-Major functional changes under the hood

-Main page, statistics and comment page downloads fully functional again
-Video link obfuscation by YT caused some videos to fail to download, all videos should be OK now

-Saved statistics charts are active now
-Implemented YT's latest video link obfuscation method- better default settings for comment page downloads
-Optimized data queries for main page elements, comment page link modification

-YT has made comment pages beyond 10 pages unreachable, response for page 11 and above is always empty.
-Thus at most the last 5000 comments (minus any deleted comments) are accessible now.

Različica 89.6 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 25.0, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.22

New in Version 4.2.8:
-Fixed: Main page, statistics and comment page downloads disabled by YT code changes
-Note: Statistics data not plotted for now due to YT code changes

More updates on the way

Različica 89.3 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 24.0, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.21

New in Version 4.2.6:
-Link to YT page saved into complete YT page folders
-Fixed: Under specific circumstances it was possible for the CYS button to remain disabled on opening new windows
-YT junk removal restored

Različica 4.2.1-signed 89.1 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 23.0, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.20

New in Version 4.2:

-Functional regressions due to YT code changes:
- empty drop-down menu for some videos with country-dependent copyright limitations
- "show more" comments button fixed on saved main pages
- Support for new style video channels (OneChannel)

Različica 88.9 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 22.0, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.19

New in Version 4.1.6:
-Options window is now resizable; scrollable lists are actively resized continuously
-Fixed: Firefox active browser tab styling lost transparency due to a CYS CSS rule lacking specificity
-Fixed: Under rare circumstances the drop-down menu was empty

Različica 88.6 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 22.0, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.19

New in Version 4.1.4:
-Fixed: video downloads started in non-private mode in Firefox 19+ failed to show up in download manager
-Fixed: right after fresh Firefox installs, the download button was disabled until 1st browser restart
-Fixed: downloads via VDH module did not work for lack of support for private browsing features
-Fixed: regression (unintentionally typed back-slash) in YT junk removal RegExp causing the side bar to be pushed down on saved main pages
-Fixed: bug in default folder determination sequence
-Restored full YT junk removal routines partially broken by a YT code change
-Compatible with FF 18 (private browsing-related core changes broke downloads completely)
-Private browsing support added to copy-to-clipboard function
-Other small fixes and improvements

Različica 83.8 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 19.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.15.*

New in Version 3.4.4:
- Fixed: restored comment page count display and downloading comment pages broken by YT changes
- Improved Linux file permissions and converter buffer size (used during complete YT page downloads)

Različica 83.8 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 18.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.15a1

New in Version 3.4.2:
-Completely rewritten video info discovery routines to deal with YT changes
-Re-enabled complete 3GP support, as 3GP videos are available once again on YT
-Fixed: Audio conversion of videos with file names containing multi-byte Unicode characters
-Fixed: On switching folder lists in Save Complete dialog, default folder selection does not change now

Različica 83.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 17.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.14a1

New in Version 3.3.4:
- MP3 converter now compatible with Linux and Mac OS X
- MP3 conversion added to Quick menu; quality/method pre-selectable in options window
- Button added to Save dialog to switch folder list between custom/history lists
- Save dialog target folder is now always saved into folder history even if custom list is default
- Fixed: toolbar button did not work for some HTML5 video pages
- pref (extensions.cys.folders.list.max) sets max length of folder lists (values: 5-50, default: 15)
- Save to Last Project Folder function added to pop-up menu; enabled/disabled in Options/Actions
- 4 functions for saving native Audio Tracks added to bottom of video pop-up menu; enabled/disabled in Options/Actions
- Now fully HTTPS-compatible (Note: HTTPS-Everywhere extension blocks/disables YT stats link, thus if it is installed, downloading stats needs to be disabled in CYS for complete YT page to be saved)
- Other small fixes and improvements

Različica 82.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 17.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.14a1

New in Version 3.0.2:
-Audio conversion using FFmpeg introduced on Windows OS (enabled in Options)
-Audio tracks from videos can be saved as MP3 (3 VBR and 4 CBR options provided)
-Audio tracks from videos can be saved in native format without recompression (Ogg Vorbis for WebM, AAC for MP4 and some FLV, MP3 for some FLV videos)
-MP3 conversion options displayed in "Detailed list" (options individually selectable in preferences window)
-Native audio export option displayed as new pop-up menu option "Save Audio Track As" on videos
-Preferences added to hide "Save Audio Track As" and "Copy Link Location" pop-up menu commands

Različica 76.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 11.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.7.*

- Supports all new YT page and channel formats
- Added support for 8 more YT video formats (a low-res FLV and 7 3D formats), now supporting a total of 19
- Dramatically improved performance during both YT webpage loading (20x) and saving comment pages (over 120x vs. 2.1.1)
- Seamless, one-click integration with “Easy YouTube Video Downloader” for both video and audio formats
- Option to keep progress window on top of other browser windows (Windows OS only)
- Added audio quality information to detailed list
- Compatible with Firefox 3-11.* and SeaMonkey 2-2.7.*

- Usability of saving comment pages re-established by filtering out non-functional HTML code bloat introduced with new YT interface
- Broken integration with EYVD 5.8+ re-established
- In rare cases not all video formats were recognized, format enumeration changed/extended to ensure now all are
- Folder names are saved in encoded form now, preserving Unicode characters
- Wrong dimensions/quality displayed for video format 18; now reads 640x360, SD Quality

Other changes:
- "Simple list" renamed "Quick menu"
- Changed short format specification for 4K videos to 2304p
- Changed order of items in detailed list: "p" column is now in position 3
- Drop-down menus display animated throbber image while waiting for video list information
- On installing over v.2.1.1 or older, folder names saved into preferences are deleted to start over with new, encoded format
- On fresh install, default download folder now points at system download folder on all OS’s;
"My documents" is not appended to default folder name any more
- Changed page editing to enable most YT functions, most are clickable and "live" on saved YT pages now

Različica 74.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 10.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.7a1

New in Version 2.1.1:
- Multi-thread comments page downloads (up to 10 threads), activated via options window or inside progress window
- Comments page processing reworked completely for 8-10x increased speed
- Comments pages now completely localized; comments page navigation fully functional
- Added support for WebM video formats
- Increased folder drop-down list length to 15
- Option to hide toolbar-icon on non-Youtube pages
- Video format information moved to main section in Save dialog
- Windows path length limitation alert
-Fixed: number of comments pages displayed correctly even if over 2000 pages
- Marked compatible with SeaMonkey 2.6a1
- On SeaMonkey installation, toolbar icon is now added to toolbar by default
- Plus numerous small fixes and cosmetic changes

Različica 75.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 8.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.2.*

New in Version
-Fixed for recent YouTube code changes
-Made compatible with Video DownloadHelper 4.9.*
-Video and comments pages are now downloaded concurrently
-Added "Open folder" button inside progress window
-Progress bar now displays completion phase of entire page downloads
-Added more/less button to reveal/hide "Details" section
-Minor fixes and improvements

Različica 72.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 7.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.2.*

Fixed in Version 1.1.5:
-Unicode formatting characters in file names
-Tooltips were not updating when moving folders in Customize

Različica 74.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 6.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.2.*

New in Version 1.1.2:
-Add-on now displays total number of comments pages; user can select how many to save.
-Fixed problem saving video statistics; if invalid information is received, the page will not break.
-Added a folder-selection drop-down list. Contents can be either folder history, or a pre-configured list.
-Progress window now displays live file saving information in the title bar and in tooltip (Windows).
-Progress window can now be minimized and resized.
-Compatible with SeaMonkey 2.*
-Compatible with Firefox 6.*
-Minor fixes and adjustments

Različica 69.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 6.*

New in Version 1.0.20:
-Compatible with Firefox 4.x
-Now saves Video Statistics
-Page is no longer locked while downloading; user can continue browsing
-For some users, icon button would stop working; fixed in FF4.x
-Compatible with YouTube code changes (3-24-11)
-Removed Group List function
-Minor fixes and adjustments

Različica 1.0.17 70.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 3.6.*

Fixed in Version 1.0.17:
-Youtube logo and thumbnails were no longer being saved.

Različica 1.0.16 70.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 3.6.*

Fixed in Version 1.0.16:
-Fixed to work with new YouTube code.
-Made compatible with Easy YouTube Video Downloader 4.0
-Progress Bar now displays total number of Comments pages (starting with 2nd page).
-MP4 18 renamed as 360p.

Različica 1.0.13 70.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 3.6.*

Fixed in Version 1.0.13:
-On some pages, 3GP videos weren’t being downloaded.

Različica 1.0.12 70.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 3.6.*

New in version 1.0.12, download YouTube videos in 3GP, FLV, MP4, HD, Full HD and 4K formats.

Različica 1.0 24.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.0 - 3.6.*