Connor Behan

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Názov Connor Behan
Registrovaný aug. 30, 2008
Počet vytvorených doplnkov 2 doplnky
Priemerné hodnotenie doplnkov vývojára Ohodnotené 4 z 5 hviezdičiek

Doplnky, ktoré som vytvoril

Posting Style Enforcer Vyžaduje reštart

Automatically converts top-posted messages to use bottom-positng or vice versa. Interleaved posts are left alone. Detects automatically added text and supports a per-contact list of exceptions.

Ohodnotené 5 z 5 hviezdičiek (3)
1 používateľ

DancingMouse for Thunderbird3 Vyžaduje reštart

It's supposed to give Thunderbird 3 the same look and feel as Firefox 3.

Ohodnotené 3 z 5 hviezdičiek (1)
0 používateľov

Moje recenzie

DancingMouse for Thunderbird

Ohodnotené 5 z 5 hviezdičiek

I adjusted this theme to work with TB3 and added menu icons. I tried to email you to ask which one of us should release it buy maybe I got the wrong address. Tell me what you think!

DancingMouse for Thunderbird

Ohodnotené 5 z 5 hviezdičiek

I adjusted this theme to work with thunderbird 3 and added menu icons. I tried to email you to ask which one of us to release it but maybe I got the wrong address. Tell me what you think!

DancingMouse for Thunderbird

Ohodnotené 5 z 5 hviezdičiek

I adjusted this theme to work with thunderbird 3 and added menu icons. I tried to email you to ask which one of us to release it but maybe I got the wrong address. Tell me what you think!