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Unfortunately, with cookies set to accept, and other security/privacy settings set to accept 'normal' web interactions (note: other web-based tabs work perfectly), I get the message: "Sorry, we don't support your browser at this moment." Addon is useless to me in TB 115.8.0.

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Aguardo anciosamente a versão copatível com o thunderbird 60

Táto recenzia je pre predchádzajúcu verziu doplnku (0.1.14). 

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Occorre aggiornare il componente aggiuntivo Evernote Tab sull'ultima versione di Thunderbird.
Adesso lo uso sul Web e con Outlook ,qui è molto utile x memorizzare i messaggi e gli allegati.Spero di poterlo fare con Thunderbird.

Táto recenzia je pre predchádzajúcu verziu doplnku (0.1.14). 

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Doesn't do anything more than open the Evernote web page in a separate tab, just as the extension's title says. In the end, for me, it is easier to just have a browser tab open, however, and this plugin wasn't very useful. As others had mentioned, quick-filing email messages or parts thereof would be the feature one would want.

Táto recenzia je pre predchádzajúcu verziu doplnku (0.1.14). 

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Can you copy emails into Evernote via this tab? If not, what's the point?

Táto recenzia je pre predchádzajúcu verziu doplnku (0.1.14). 

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Very disappointing. What is it worth opening Evernote from Mail? I would have expected at least (like the Outlook plugin) to be able to save a mail including attachments to Evernote. Like the Firefox Evernote clipper does for Webpages.

Táto recenzia je pre predchádzajúcu verziu doplnku (0.1.14). 

Ohodnotené 3 z 5 hviezdičiek

Although the plugin works, it's definitely no substitute for the good old Web Clipper for Thunderbird that Evernote unceremoniously stopped supporting/updating last year. I miss that so much, all of the workarounds, including this one, are so clunky. In addition, I find that every time Evernote Tab opens in Thunderbird, it hogs all my resources and slows my computer (a relatively new Windows 7 notebook with plenty of oomph for everything else) down to a crawl. Very annoying, and it's faster to just copy, open Evernote Desktop, and paste! Not sure if I'll keep this installed, as due to the resource hogging problem, it may be more trouble to use than convenience.

Táto recenzia je pre predchádzajúcu verziu doplnku (0.1.14). 

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I so love this! There's my Evernote info right in my email where I spend so much time! Thank you!

Táto recenzia je pre predchádzajúcu verziu doplnku (0.1.14). 

Ohodnotené 5 z 5 hviezdičiek

Works as advertised. Nice to be able to see notes in the same app as email...especially on Ubuntu!

Táto recenzia je pre predchádzajúcu verziu doplnku (0.1.14).