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Thanks for creating this new plug in(new fro me anyway).

I am using TB 102.4.2. 2.01 of your plug in. I installed the module,and it asked me for the url,name and password. I entered them.

Now, I press on the archive emails to crm button, and drop down menu, and nothing happens. I do not know hwo t find the window where I entered the url,username and password, so I can not confirm the details.

Can you let me know what I am doing wrong?


Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.0.1). 

Thanks for trying our plugin. Can you confirm that when you click on archive in the drop-down menu, a window pops up? In there, you should see a module selection drop-down, and a text box to search the name of a record in that module. Enter the record you want to archive to, and click archive. The button should indicate that email has been archived.
To go back to sign in window, click on the hamburger button in the top right, and choose "Sign out from CRM". Hopefully this helps.
Do let us know how you get on. Thanks.