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First and foremost: IT CRASHES ALL THE DAMNED TIME. Multiple computers, multiple OSes. You leave active web pages up, and it crashes within a few hours, sometimes a few minutes. For example, at my work, we are using the Weather Underground website (wunderground.com) to display a map of the weather. If we leave it up with animation running, it will crash in fewer than 15 minutes. Even if it is not active (just sitting there), the page locks Firefox up and crashes within about 4 hours. We also use Orion SolarWinds to monitor our network, website, and server equipment statuses; this remains active by necessity, and crashes faster than about every 4 hours too.
BUT HERE'S THE REAL KICKER: After the auto-update force-installed Quantum, it jacked Windows itself up! No, seriously! Now ANY browser crashes, especially in those active content web pages; IE now freezes/crashes about 2-3 hours after the last restart. This means that Quantum ALTERED SOMETHING IN THE OPERATING SYSTEM'S ENGINE!!! I have had the same happen on 2 other computers. And yes, after un-installing Quantum and reverting to version 56, it is irrelevant; that change still causes web pages to all crash, in all browsers. WHAT DID YOU DO!!???

But here's my ultimate question, which applies all over the place, not just here... Why the heck does everyone think that you need to change the established interface to be "new" and "cutting edge?" You know, the entire world got comfortable with how computers operated up through Windows XP. Then people started getting inventive, and average people started hating the newer operating systems. The same goes for Linux: Gnome was awesome, clean, easy, intuitive. Then Ubuntu came out with Unity desktop, and all that went to Hell. All in the name of trying to do things differently, like being different is inherently noble or some b.s. like that. It's an idiotic notion. And it's why I butcher Windows 7 to get it to look and operate like XP. It's why I gave Ubuntu the finger and use Linux Mint.

How that is related here: WHY DID YOU GET RID OF THE STATUS BAR? "To conserve screen real estate." THEN WHY ARE YOU MAKING THE TOP OF THE BROWSER WINDOWS BIGGER AND GAUDIER? "To make it snazzier." BUT YOU ARE REDUCING SCREEN REAL ESTATE! "Screens are bigger now so it doesn't matter." BOLOGNA!

Point is, Quantum is unstable, less appealing, less intuitive, screws up all browsers until you re-install Windows (WTF?), and of course the new mechanisms mean I can't use my beloved add-ons again. And what "faster?" It is observably slower for me, in Windows and Linux. This is madness. Nearly unusable.