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That TB has lacked adequate/modern support for CardDAV-based networked-addressbooks has been a deal-breaker for literally YEARS now. I have trouble wrapping my head around why it's such a conceptual stretch that sharing calendars & addressbooks is a critical functionality & a basic criterion for adoption -- especially in the Enterprise, small or large. There's been endless discussion that it's "complicated & hard" and that there are "no resources" available to do it natively ...

Maybe so. But this app, and this one dev, have elegantly & capably addressed the problem. This extension works REALLY well for CardDAV support. Very much unlike the one 'other solution' that's out there, this extension works with latest/current versions of TBird, and -- most importantly -- the dev is incredibly responsive, interested in user feedback, and clever/efficient with fixes & new features. And a nice guy, to boot!

Sure, the extension will benefit from additional capabilities & tweaks; complete seamless integration in TB, and possible complete replacement of AddressBook would be great, IMO! I'd bet that there are likely internal architectural issues that could use some refactoring, etc. But all that's ONLY ever going to happen once an excellent, functional basis exists to build upon.

And CardBook, frankly, fits the bill.

In an ideal world, I'd love to see this become a commercial supported extension (cref QuickFolders for a working model. Or at least one that works for me) that I can point companies & colleagues at for a supported, reliable solution. But ultimately that's a decision for the dev; and making that decision in the 'uncertainty' around TB's future plans/direction is understanably dicey.

In the end, I just hope this extenstion 'continues on'. & to the dev -- simply -- thanks a lot, and lots of luck!

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