Despre mine
Nume | Peter |
Utilizator din | Feb. 15, 2010 |
Numărul de suplimente dezvoltate | 0 suplimente |
Media evaluărilor suplimentelor dezvoltatorului | Neevaluat încă |
Recenziile mele
@Contact Mention
Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele
It looks and works fine with TB 115. However, it seems it can only recognize the contacts from the built-in address book. It doesn't recognize Cardbook contacts. Since thousands of people use Cardbook (needed for example, for email lists+google contacts), it would be nice to add the support for it.
Addon Compatibility Check for TB 102/TB 115/TB 128
Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele
Very useful. Just one little visual issue. The icon on the toolbar is not visible if TB 115 runs with the dark theme.
Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (1.9.1).Grammar and Spell Checker — LanguageTool
Evaluată cu 4 din 5 stele
Works very well.
But I would suggest the ability to disable the checker per account in the settings. For example, I have three email accounts. Two are in English and LT works fine for them. The third one is Slovak where I write quickly, without diacritics. LT cannot handle it, it marks almost everything with red. It would be great if I could disable this account in LT settings. I would use standard Thunderbird's dictionary sk-sk-ascii for it. Even no spell checker is better than a wrong one.
Dark Reader
Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele
Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (4.9.28).stripImages
Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele
Very useful. I still have to make the habit of pressing Strip images when I compose my replies. Otherwise the pictures in the reply chain accumulate and often take several megabytes. One little issue, the button icon is invisible (black) in dark mode. I use DeepDark instead the dark theme, but I think the problem is the same.
IMAP Quota (Free Space)
Evaluată cu 4 din 5 stele
Well, since the extension doesn't work in TB 78, it's good to know that there's built in functionality in TB for this. The quota is displayed in the status bar. But, by default, only if the usage is more than 75%. If you want to see it all the time, you need modify the option:
Display Quota
Evaluată cu 4 din 5 stele
Well, since the extension doesn't work in TB 78, it's good to know that there's built in functionality in TB. The quota is displayed in the status bar. But, by default, only if the usage is more than 75%. If you want to see it all the time, you need modify the option:
Open Google Calendar
Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele
I had the same problem with login to Google as
The page said: "The browser you're using doesn't support JavaScript, or has JavaScript turned off."
The solution was quite simple. Instead of clicking the existing account on "Choose an account" page, I clicked "Add account" link. This allowed me to enter my google credentials again and everything worked fine.
Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele
Perfect! I cannot believe I didn't find this extension earlier.
Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (2.3.2).Stop Ignoring Reply:To
Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele
Thank you for this add-on. It saves me a lot of troubles caused by this TB change. I still hope this is just a temporary solution and the TB team will solve the problem.
Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (1.0).SmartTemplate
Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele
I found one. If the headers section of the message is longer than 4096 bytes, then the extension doesn't work. This may have several reasons. For example there are many recipients of the message. Or some antivirus adds to much extra information. In my case it was the mailing list which produced large headers. You can see the complete headers in message source code - press CTRL+U.
If the extension doesn't work for some message, just open Tools - Error console. You should see a message like:
hdr.get is not a function
If you can see it, then you probably have the same problem.
I have modified the extension so it accepts 32768 bytes which is a limit on many mail servers. It also contains two new reserved words TZ and TZ_NAME mentioned in my previous review. You can download it from!download|47l32|442537343|smarttemplate-0.6.0-tb_timezones.xpi|36
I will contact the author so maybe the fix will be available in the next official version.
Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele
Great extension. Some explanation on time zones - local vs. sender.The following reserved words always use sender's time zone:
%date%, %datelocal%, %dateshort%, %date_tz%.
So if you want to use original time zone in your reply, then use them and you are lucky. But if you are like me, and you want to use your local time zone, then you must use other words. The following reserved words always use your local time zone:
%Y% %m% / %n% %d% / %e% %H% / %k% %I% / %l% %M% %S% %p% / %p(x)% %A% / %a% %B% / %b%.
As you however know, these reserved words return current date and time. But you can easily switch them to the time the original message was sent. Just place %X:=sent% before them. For example:
%X:=sent%%a% %b% %e% %Y% %k%:%M%:%S%
If you later want to use today's time, you can switch back by inserting %X:=today%.
For example:
%X:=sent%%k%:%M%:%S% vs. %X:=today%%k%:%M%:%S%
will produce two different times. The first time is the time when the mail was sent and the second one is current time. Both use your time zone and not the sender's one. Example output may look:
20:34:03 vs. 15:08:01
So it's almost everything we need. But I also wanted a timezone in the string, in the format:
Date: Thu Jan 13 2011 20:34:03 GMT+0100 (Central Europe Standard Time)
But there's no reserved word neither for your local time zone offset nor for your local time zone name. I could just manually put +0100 but it may change due to daylight saving. So I modified the version 0.6 and added two new reserved words:
TZ ... local time zone offset
TZ_NAME ... local time zone long name
So the desired pattern for the Date field with my local time zone looks as follows:
Date: %X:=sent%%a% %b% %e% %Y% %k%:%M%:%S% GMT%TZ% (%TZ_NAME%)
If you are interested in these two new reserved words, you can download modified extension from!download|47l32|442537343|smarttemplate-0.6.0-tb_timezones.xpi|36
Correct Identity
Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele
Version 1.3.2 works fine with TB 3.0.1 but there is one issue. In Options, automatic identity detection, you must enter the addresses or aliases in LOWERCASE, e.g. [email protected]. If you enter any uppercase character, e.g. [email protected], then the identity is not detected.
Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (1.3.2).To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.