
Despre mine

Informații dezvoltator
Nume evilfantasy
Locație Tulsa, OK
Utilizator din Feb. 23, 2008
Numărul de suplimente dezvoltate 0 suplimente
Media evaluărilor suplimentelor dezvoltatorului Neevaluat încă

Recenziile mele

FREE MP3 Downloads

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

This is an awesome add-on. It makes searching MP3's so much easier and you can download them hassle free. Thanks!

Nightly and Aurora

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Very nice. Thanks!

Copy Plain Text

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

I really wish you would update the installer yourself instead of posting the workaround. I tried this with Windows 7 and it won't work. I love this add-on and am pretty upset that it isn't working. Please don't abandon it!

Copy Plain Text

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

I really wish you would update the installer yourself instead of posting the workaround. I tried this with Windows 7 and it won't work. I love this add-on and am pretty upset that it isn't working. Please don't abandon it!