Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

This is a very useful extension and works well in all instances *except* chat. Chat has been a built-in feature for a while, so support for it would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you! :-)

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Very cool! I've added chat support. Contact me, if you want

Thank you, I just sent you an email to your personal address

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

Works great with TB17 both under windows 7 pro and linux with xfce4 (panel) + xmonad. If it supports chat notification it would be flawless to me.

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

Installed on TB v17.0.2 - Win7 Home Premium SP1. It does not seem to work at all. What could I be doing wrong? How should I troubleshoot? Thx, Rob

Update: OK, I figured it out - it is working. However the TB task bar icon does not blink - it only highlights. How can I make it blink?

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

Does what's expected (I'm using Ubuntu with Awesome window manager) - when new email arrives, but not for new chat messages. Would be great to have it work for chat as well, with ability to enable/disable seprately for email and chat - would then give five stars ;)

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

Great work! It would be fantastic and consistent with new features of Thunderbird if it could also notify of new messages on chat, or I have missed something?

Thank you.
Unfortunately you are not missing anything: the new chat system is not integrated in my add-on so far.

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

How stupid-wont install in my currant version of Firefox!

before saying "stupid" you should pay a little more attention to addon description: this is for Thunderbird, not for Firefox, darling...

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

Just what I've been looking for since moving to Mint 12 and disabling the notification pop-up window at the bottom. The only improvement I can suggest is to allow the user to select it to apply to sub-folders too. I only get the desktop notification when an email arrives in my Inbox. Great app though. Thanks!

Hi! You can probably get what you want in 2 ways:
1) (suggested) by creating a message filter using the custom action "get attention" when a new mail arrives into your subfolder;
2) by right-clicking on that subfolder, selecting "properties..." and finally checking "when getting new messages for this account, always check this folder".
Please let me know if you succeed.
Thank you so far.

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

After the first start of TB in an X session, the New Mail Attention extension forces to attract attention when you just leave the TB window. So I need to restart TB. Sorry, I have not found another place for a bug report.
(OpenSUSE, KDE3.5, TB 7.0.1, New Mail Attention 1.2.1)

I think that problem may be related to your window manager instead. For being sure, could you please enable the debug in my addon menu and post me what you see in the error console when the problem happens?
Thanks in advance

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

incompatible with Thunderbird 7.0.1

Este utilizador tem uma revisão anterior deste extra.

Now it should work

Avaliado com 2 de 5 estrelas

...it notifies me when SENDING out my own e-mails :-(

could you please give me more details? You could also turn on debug in "New Mail Attention" menu and send me what you see in the Error Console. Thanks in advance. Giovanni

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

(Sorry 4 English :D)
Yeah, it's a great addon, it makes what it should make, that's why i gave 5. There is one 'but'.I made a notification system for one website (rrestaurants of mine) and I solved it this way:A customers make their orders on the website, then the order is automatically sent on restaurants mailbox. It turned out that running back and forth waitresses sometimes overlook notifications about new mails and then we've got a big mess (bad reviews, complaints etc.). And that's why i have a question.

Is is possible to have 'recurring notification', for example every miniute, using your addon?

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra (1.2). 

I'm sorry, but the notification is triggered just in the moment new emails arrive: I should implement your request, but I must confess I have no time for it so far and it could take a while (i.e. months...you know, work, holidays, my leaky memory...). Thus, I cannot promise you anything.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Works perfect! A must for myself. Thank you Giovanni! I also am with the reviewer 'sandfighter' and would like to see this add-on made compatible with Postbox. Cheers.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra (1.2). 

Hi! Thank you for your appreciation. Concerning Postbox, I'm not sure, but I think I cannot set Postbox compatibility on Mozilla addon site...

Avaliado com 2 de 5 estrelas

I have this installed on my Mac (10.6.7) using Thunderbird 5.0 and have found two bugs.
1) When I go to Tools->New Mail Attention I cannot uncheck "Enable"
2) When I have a message filter with the action of "Get Attention" it only bounces the Thunderbird icon once, I feel it should continue to bounce until I bring the application to the foreground.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra (1.2). 

Hi: on point 1) you are right: I have a new version that should fix it and I will submit it to Mozilla team as soon as I can.
Concerning point 2), well, I think that is due to your window manager, not to my addon: I think (but I'm not sure about it) that should be the same behavior when you receive a message with your instant messaging client?

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Thanks Giovanni, that worked perfectly! You're a credit to the mozilla community, developers like you make the world a better place!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra (1.2).  Este utilizador tem uma revisão anterior deste extra.

Wow! Thank you!

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

It's brilliant as a replacement to standard notification system. I would like to ask the author to include compatibility for Postbox 2.5, which is based on Thunderbird, as the add-on works brilliantly in it.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra (1.2). 

Avaliado com 2 de 5 estrelas

I'm not sure it's working. Exactly what should I see in Windows Vista when it's "getting attention"?

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra (1.2). 

You should see Thunderbird icon blink in the program bar exactly like your instant messenger program icon blinks when you get a new instant message. Obviously, Thunderbird must not to have focus in order to "get your attention"...

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Exactly what I was looking for on Ubuntu 10.10 for Thunderbird. Good job!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra (1.2). 

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Great!!!thank you very much!!!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra (1.2). 

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

I installed it, and it did exactly what it promised to do. Perfect!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra (1.2).