Firefox user c75a46

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Nome Firefox user c75a46
Usuário desde Jan. 29, 2018
Número de extensões desenvolvidas 0 extensões
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Minhas análises

Strip inline images

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Me too - I need a tool that strips inline images from stored messages. Suppose you manage to change the first "Content-Type: multipart/related;" declarative to "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;" then all inline images become "Attachments" which I then can "Detach" or "Delete". Yes, I can and I do it occasionally using Notepad++. That simple edit changing "related" to "mixed" is a tedious procedure...

Esse usuário tem uma análise anterior desta extensão.


Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Me too - I also need is a tool that strips inline images from stored messages. Suppose you manage to change the first "Content-Type: multipart/related;" declarative to "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;" then all inline images become "Attachments" which I then can "Detach" or "Delete". Yes, I can and have to do it occasionally using Notepad++. That simple edit changeing "related" to "mixed" by hand is a tedious procedure...

Strip inline images

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

This tool is nice to have and works well. Too bad it can't strip images from emails I received before I move them to the archive folder.

Quick Folder Move

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

Me too... I am missing this add-on. I will make a $$$-donation if you can release a TB68 version, promise!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (1.6.1).  Esse usuário tem 2 análises anteriores desta extensão.


Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Hallo Otto, hier mein Verbesserungs-Vorschlag: Anstelle der beiden Radio Buttons "From" und "To" wünsche ich 2 Checkboxes! Dann kann ich jeweils beide anklicken. Habe ich ein mail beantwortet verschiebe ich sogleich die Anfrage vom Posteingang in dessen Archivmappe. Später, wenn ich die "Gesendeten Objekte" in ihre Archivmappe verschiebe, weiss QA bereits wohin! Bitte Otto, it's only a small change !


Hello Otto, Here is my suggestion for an improvement: Instead of the two radio buttons "From" and "To" I wish 2 Checkboxes! Then I can click both. If I answered a mail, I immediately move the request from the inbox to its archive folder. Later, when I move the "Sent Items" to archive folders, QA already knows where they go! Please Otto, it's just a small change!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.2.4).  Esse usuário tem uma análise anterior desta extensão.


Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

Die Mappen (folders) in meinem email-Archiv heissen z.B. "Fred", "Hilde" oder "Ferien18" d.h. Post--Eingang und Ausgang von/zu [email protected] gehen in die gleiche Mappe! Wie immer, die Ausnahmen: "Fred"-Privat und "Fred"->Ferien18. Die Regel: alle emails FROM/TO [email protected] gehen in die zuletzt gewaehlte Mappe. Ausnahme: Shift+key oder right-click. Dann gibt's ***** für Superb Add-On !! - Vielen Dank, Otto!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.2.4). 

Quick Folder Move

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

This was a really great addon until TB 60.4 broke it. No Choice, I uninstalled TB 60 and reinstalled TB 57 to keep this addon going. Fortunately Mr. Kewisch upgraded it and consequently I accepted the upgrade to TB 60.5. NOTE: LIKE ME, IN THE END YOU MAY NEED TO MANUALLY (RE-)INSTALL the last update of this addon (as if it were the first time) to get all its features to work again! Lastly, mega-THANKS, Mr. Kewisch!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (1.6.1).  Esse usuário tem outras análises desta extensão.

Quick Folder Move

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

This add-on is a valuable add-on for any one who has more than 3-deep folders. It worked flawlessly up to new TB60 release. After TB 60 ugrade I had to remove/install this add-on. It still works, sort of... hopefully Mr. Kewisch will release an update soon! I promise to make a Contribution !!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (1.6).