ðe Wtp

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Nome ðe Wtp
Usuário desde Março 5, 2007
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"free" does not mean I have my registry secretly parsed (yes, that's what filex.com, the supposed white-hat does when you ask what a strange extension is) or any accessible search data, plus data derived from tracking thrown in my DoubleClick file (thats "Do No Evil" Google) Mash up your public info with any other info and sell the list or "specific targeting at our web site for your ad'' (too many to list) with at least TELLING you first and letting you opt out of these "Genuine Advantages" as the boys at Redmond say

Minhas análises

MinimizeToTray revived

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one little problem: There are times I need every scrap of RAM I have, though I want 'Fox, ONLY WHEN CLOSED to appear as it does withyour other Minimize settings (OK, MAYBE with a tiny speed-launcher) But I want the program CLOSED, NOT like T'bird, which I almost always keep open. You could even keep the icon there whyle the 'fox was open - it just seems funny that out of all the possible combinations of when/how, ths is the ONLY one not on the list

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.9.2). 

Oxford Dictionaries

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As much as I love the OED and friends, and *hate* their cost (I mean, why shouldn't they GIVE me a copy of the leatherbound ed. of the OED III when it appears) I have to question this one. Oxford Publishing gives very little away, nor would an add-on be necessary if they did - a simple trip to their web site will give you the price of a sub. to the OED III, in-progress, on line, hardbound sets, and their latest release, the $150 or so OED II + Supplements ($150).
When someone offers an expensive Something fornothing, I get concerned,

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (20100712). 


Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

(fyi)for those who don't know - qualcomm decided to build a new Eudora of its own based on the 'bird see eudora.com)I think I've left a half-doz reviews here re: this re-Joyced Thunderbird theme for Welty users.
As of 2/10, the preferred Way, Eudora 8 (now in beta 8) is still a bit too featureless and has ONE feature (I hope is not T'birdbased - it'l just mean going beck to T2.x that is DANGEROUS - it tries to auto-find your account(s) ++UnGood if you have more than ONE,
So for the while, I must say YES because Penelope is stable, though lacking in features I loved, and Yes because older Eudori don't cooperate w/win-7 64, and YES because it is still the best there is and, until Something Else Better comes from the Eusora which I am sure it will and Yes though t'bird has ONE BAD feature (newsreaders and mailers should be separate beasts, lest a message for one go to a thousand) and because, as usual Yes because it's all kinds of fun and loving, so, as of this date I say YES.
Here is a Candle to Light you to Bed
Yet Another Winston Smith,(rats)
for those who have missed years of bad orgasmic jokes, James Joyce scholars have given names to the chapters of Ulysses, and Molly Bloom's soliloquy while making love to husband Leo, which helped get the book banned in the US, though the "dirtiest" word is YES. The chapter consists of one sentence.

As for Smith and the Candle, USE IT YOURSELF to protest the amount if infotheft not by "hackers" or "crackers" (I've been a hardware Jack Hack since 'age 4 and I'm proud of it), but by Google and Microsoft (try cutting off all auto-access to Redmond from Win-7, I do hardware, and this is a software problem) and the others without consent ... Our next President may be chosen by how well s/he and Corporate "People" mine data)
Smith spends most of "1984" searching for Big Bro's enemy Emanuel Goldstein (hence the nom de guerre of the publisher of 2600) where the password for access to a Big Bro trap is a pair of lines from a charming English ditty:
Here is a candle to light you to bed
Here comes a chopper to chop off your Head

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.1a22). 


Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

(fyi)for those who don't know - qualcomm decided to build a new Eudora of its own based on the 'bird see eudora.com)I think I've left a half-doz reviews here re: this re-Joyced Thunderbird theme for Welty users.
As of 2/10, the preferred Way, Eudora 8 (now in beta 8) is still a bit too featureless and has ONE feature (I hope is not T'birdbased - it'l just mean going beck to T2.x that is DANGEROUS - it tries to auto-find your account(s) ++UnGood if you have more than ONE,
So for the while, I must say YES because Penelope is stable, though lacking in features I loved, and Yes because older Eudori don't cooperate w/win-7 64, and YES because it is still the best there is and, until Something Else Better comes from the Eusora which I am sure it will and Yes though t'bird has ONE BAD feature (newsreaders and mailers should be separate beasts, lest a message for one go to a thousand) and because, as usual Yes because it's all kinds of fun and loving, so, as of this date I say YES.
Here is a Candle to Light you to Bed
Yet Another Winston Smith,(rats)
for those who have missed years of bad orgasmic jokes, James Joyce scholars have given names to the chapters of Ulysses, and Molly Bloom's soliloquy while making love to husband Leo, which helped get the book banned in the US, though the "dirtiest" word is YES. The chapter consists of one sentence.

As for Smith and the Candle, USE IT YOURSELF to protest the amount if infotheft not by "hackers" or "crackers" (I've been a hardware Jack Hack since 'age 4 and I'm proud of it), but by Google and Microsoft (try cutting off all auto-access to Redmond from Win-7, I do hardware, and this is a software problem) and the others without consent ... Our next President may be chosen by how well s/he and Corporate "People" mine data)
Smith spends most of "1984" searching for Big Bro's enemy Emanuel Goldstein (hence the nom de guerre of the publisher of 2600) where the password for access to a Big Bro trap is a pair of lines from a charming English ditty:
Here is a candle to light you to bed
Here comes a chopper to chop off your Head

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.1a22). 


Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas

From Support page: (deep down faq - first q at least...)

* 1 Files
o 1.1 Where is my Calendar file?
... Network calendars can be stored on WebDAV, CalDAV, and ftp servers and also locally (in this case "Network calendar" just indicates that the iCalendar format is used and not a sqlite database). ....

UNTIL A BIG PRIVACY WARNING IS POSTED, something on the order of:
(If you publish it on any computer but yours, you, you can be assured your SOs will know that they are no longer the only ones in your life (as in "call R. to arrange island vacation") Your boss will know about "Lunch about job offer", etc. Even publishing on your OWN computer means someone might have to try very hard to read your file, in every other case, you are risking putting it on a billboard for all to see)

this really shouldn't be given Moz. support.

Rated on pirtch and doc only

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.9). 


Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

LAST time I tried this, (and I see no signs of an update since) it asked whether each and every message sent should be encrypted via PGP.

A BUTTON would make much more sense.

I also want to add my voice calling for 64-bit upgrades to BOTH Firefox and Thunderbird, and, the promised improvements to Penelope, the continuation of the wonderful Eudora alternative mail system. (another story).

MOST new *computers* (vs."don't care 'bout privacy, I do it all on-line" appliances) are coming out with multicore 64-bit systems.

The "do it all ON-Line crowd members (who also wonder where all the spam comes from) either need a quick education or simply don't care about privacy - and setting up T'bird or even downloading mail via POP3 is beyond them already.

Some need an education, some wouldn't mind a Telescreen watching their every move at home except in the bedroom under the theory "I've got nothing to hide and I love that 'personalized' experience I get from companies that keep records on me*."

"Anyway I've got nothing to hide, only criminals do" is a frequent response - no hope there.

But for the developing hard-core folks who say NO! to the infothieves (and should demand the Googles of the world offer a "pay $ .0001 per search alternative to "add this to the file on 'im" treatment, and the offer be made before any data is stolen. Call your Congressfolk and Senators and ask for a needed law!)

Meanwhile, 64-bits, multithreaded x86 code and a bit more user control on this one would be a big help.

*Some "social interaction" pages seem designed to elicit 'suckers' for causes allegedly using cash for a,b,c,... and I really feel sorry for these folks.
And even for some who want to stop - Education can be tough. An 80+ widower friend of the family is on every "sucker list" in the country and, of course, donates money to any charity that takes the time to send HIM a personalized letter asking Dear (first name) and ending with an ink-jetted "signature." Though he owns a computer for e-mail and surfing, he has no understanding that, outside of the ink-jet, EVERY initial IBM PC or its CP/M ancestors had the power to do the same thing under Dos 3 and WordStar! (I do see a need for a law in the near future prohibiting the delivery of such requests if the person or his nearest family go before a judge and say and prove such letters have the impact of draining the elderly/others no t capable of controlling *all* their finances, from their well-deserved retirement funds.
(I won't go into details - it is not a Freedom of Speech issue but an I-S/He cannot control, and therefore demand an auto-opt-out)

A for effort
Fortunately for them, at least Firefox is semi-hardened already, straight out of the electron box, and easily/automatically strengthened by updates, handled by a family member who has basic understanding

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.96.0). 

Filter Uploader for Adblock Plus (unofficial)

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

1984 - It Seems To Help cut down SPAM, and maybe add some safety -trouble is folks buying ads on websites don't know WE don't see them!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (2.0). 


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WARNING: I thought FILExt.com was a White Hat interested in helping folks. Then I had the experience of asking about a graphics title I had never seen and got a reply saying that by looking at my REGISTRY, they found THREE programs (named) that can open said file, or I could be having registry problems that need addressing. Go elsewhere if you value your privacy at all