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UPD: Add more words ;^)

I like this skin, because it's green (green colour does not irritate eyes), it's simple (again - does not irritate eyes), it's modest.

Thank you for the review! I'm very happy that you like my firefox persona --> keeps me motivated to make even better ones.UPD: To also add more words.I always aim for the simplicity and modesty but also try to remain stylish. I work very long hours with the computer and have had more than enough experience about eyes getting irritated. The previous having said I'm more than happy that I could provide this green persona for firefox for all those people who need something like this. Have a great day everyone.

P.S. In case you are interested in getting the desktop wallpaper relating to Dreamlight_persona I just uploaded it to my GPL gallery: http://www.techtimejourney.net/?page_id=450