Firefox-gebruiker 93203a

Over mij

Naam Firefox-gebruiker 93203a
Gebruiker sinds nov 15, 2017
Aantal ontwikkelde add-ons 0 add-ons
Gemiddelde waardering van add-ons van de ontwikkelaar Nog niet gewaardeerd

Mijn beoordelingen


Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

Very disappointed that this outstanding extension has been neutered in the 'New, improved' Firefox. I see that the developer has, in the past, expressed a lack-of-interest in converting it to the new extension protocol, but hope that he has a change-of-heart.

Aside from my password manager, which has also been damaged by this hideous update, BBCodeXtra is my most frequently-used and favorite addon! I would gladly pay for this one!