AltanaESP Pty Ltd

Over mij

Naam AltanaESP Pty Ltd
Locatie Graaff-Reinet, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Beroep Maintain the Productivity Suite for the AltanaESP Pty Ltd Network & System
Gebruiker sinds apr 20, 2011
Aantal ontwikkelde add-ons 0 add-ons
Gemiddelde waardering van add-ons van de ontwikkelaar Nog niet gewaardeerd

In wat meer detail…

AltanaESP Network activities and AltanaESP System processes, require plenty of online collaborations and access to different domains and websites. Therefore - during an average working day - a person's productivity relies heavily on a browser (...for connection & website access) application and an email (...for collaboration & discussions) client.

At AltanaESP Pty Ltd we prefer - and do find that - Firefox (an internet browser) and Thunderbird (an email client) provide us with trusted online performances and both contain features that can be combined, adapted, tweaked or changed to meet our productivity needs and requirements. Both applications can be adjusted to meet specific productivity criteria, address particular demands and accommodate customizations with an extensive array of different extensions.

The various collection groups - compiled by AltanaESP Pty Ltd - are those extensions that best serve the online productivity requirements, standards and needs of AltanaESP Network activities and System processes.

Within in the AltanaESP Pty Ltd context... Firefox (browser), Thunderbird (email client) and extensions (collection groups) are the manner in which AltanaESP compose efficient online tools that can be deployed to enhance productivity and effectively streamline Network activities and System processes.

Mijn beoordelingen

Saved Password Editor

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

When dealing with a kizillion username / password combinations for different websites. Changing or editing passwords is a nightmare, because one have to delete it first and then re-save the changed combination. This often is a trail-and-error process. Sometimes it works, others times it don't. So much so, that I rarely edit / change password / username combinations and only when it is absolutely critical to do so. With the 'Saved Passwords Editor' extension, it is a quick, easy and ALWAYS successful process. A very useful extension which "protect" my nerves from being shot to hell.

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on ( 

Clean Subject

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren

It is quite irritating, when compiling emails, to deal with a subject line that is cluttered with many RE:'s or FW:'s. I despise the unnecessary time that I have to spend in "cleaning-up" the sloppy subject line of others. I use the subject line to filter, redirect and archive emails extensively. Thus, I always "clean-up" the subject line first, before replying, redirecting or forwarding an email. Thankfully, the 'Clean Subject' extension does it on my behalf and I can continue dealing with the email without the irritation of removing a kizillion RE:'s & FW:'s first. Granted... to "clean-up" one subject line, only waste about 3 to 5 seconds. ...But, when you are dealing with 200 emails on an average working day... you do the math!