Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

hi,send later don't send "Disposition-Notification-To"and alsoReporting-MTA: dns

I mean that

in these case i ask for reporting ok

when send later is activate i don't have the "reporting mta"
when it is desactivate i have the message
like this :

Reporting-MTA: dns; .....................org
Arrival-Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 08:06:21 +0100
Original-Envelope-Id: <50CEC44F.2000801@.........................

Original-Recipient: .............@....................
Final-Recipient: rfc822;...........@.................
Action: relayed
Status: 2.0.0
Remote-MTA: smtp..............

i see nothing in the user guide about this.
a bug ?

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (4.1.5). 

There is a workaround in the user guide at http://blog.kamens.us/send-later/#receipt for the Disposition-Notification-To issue.I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean when you say that the add-on does not support "Reporting-MTA: dns".

As far as I know, "Reporting-MTA" is a header inserted into bounces by mail transfer agents, not one that is meaningful when inserted into a message by a mail client like Thunderbird. Could you clarify?

UPDATE: Aha, I think I understand now. You mentioned "Reporting-MTA: dns" because it is what is inserted into the return receipts you get when you specify Disposition-Notification-To. In that case, my answer above still applies -- please use the workaround in the user guide if you want return receipts for messages sent with Send Later.