Jeff P

Over mij

Naam Jeff P
Gebruiker sinds aug 18, 2009
Aantal ontwikkelde add-ons 0 add-ons
Gemiddelde waardering van add-ons van de ontwikkelaar Nog niet gewaardeerd

Mijn beoordelingen

Keyword Search

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

I went ballistic when the idiots over a Firefox HQ decided to change the address bar behavior into something much less functional, and while FF still refuses to admit there's a problem, this plugin fixes it quite nicely. The only suggestion I would make would be to allow the user to use their own custom string, allowing you to use the old default google string that was half google search, half I'm feeling lucky. But that's a future update- right now, this is a desperately needed patch to undo a really stupid change.

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (1.0).