
Over mij

Naam Dunkelmann
Gebruiker sinds aug 8, 2009
Aantal ontwikkelde add-ons 0 add-ons
Gemiddelde waardering van add-ons van de ontwikkelaar Nog niet gewaardeerd

Mijn beoordelingen


Waardering 1 van 5 sterren

TB 17.
"In the main window, the Reply button is provided with a drop down menu with new options:" This button is not enhanced, nor is any of the reply functionality (menu/mouse) in TB. I do see some extra RemindIt tags but that's all.

What I'm looking for is to select a message and choose to be reminded of it in x days or date/time y. I'd like X and Y to be message specific. After X or at Y, I'd like some mechanism to remind me of the message and to repeat the reminder at interval z chosen by me.

I don't want fancy auto reply just a simple reminder, valid until cancelled. Remind it seems to be going down the route of let's make it complicated and user unfriendly.

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (0.9). 

Prevent Delete

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

Love this but it only works for one tag. I'd like to be able to have a list of tags.