Firefox-gebruiker a4377a

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Naam Firefox-gebruiker a4377a
Gebruiker sinds nov 17, 2017
Aantal ontwikkelde add-ons 0 add-ons
Gemiddelde waardering van add-ons van de ontwikkelaar Nog niet gewaardeerd

Mijn beoordelingen

Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren

Maff was wonderful for saving all tabs in one file in one click. So neat! Thank you for your excellent insite about what is really handy for a browser.

From now on there will be a lot more work to save all tabs and what a file-mess!

If Firefox will make a wise decision it should include the maff add-on natively.

In past times I understood this maff extention was a heavy load on the devellopers shoulders. A great pity devellopement now stops but I understand the decision. Thank you for all these years you prevented us from a whole lot of work that, from now on, will come back again.

Thank you for all these years!

Deze beoordeling betreft een eerdere versie van de add-on (5.2.0).