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Gebruiker sinds nov 20, 2014
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I play OGame, so I run several scripts and Scriptish runs them well, and you can always download the nightly builds; https://github.com/scriptish/scriptish-nightlies/releases
which I am, the latest, 2014-10-24 20:00, but I checked to day and the a new nightly is out, released today 2014-11-20 12:00.

GreasseMonkey has only been active in the last year, might be better but for me Scriptish is run everything OK, but maybe too good, I see that when I'm in Ogame.org lkooks like the scripts are not run once but constantly, my CPU when nothing else is, and no other tabs on SeaMonkey is at unusual 12% I have 4 cores, so that's 4*12=48% of 1 core, looks like the scripts are constantly running, is this because of Scriptish, the scripts or OGame, or any combo of 3 three?