Firefox user ff6dc4

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이름 Firefox user ff6dc4
가입한 날짜 11월 15, 2016
개발한 부가 기능 수 부가 기능 0개
이 개발자의 부가 기능의 평균 별점 아직 별점 없음

내 검토

ImportExportTools NG

5점중 5점 받음

Previously it was possible to do this from an open letter, but now only from a list of letters. This is terribly inconvenient, because you still have to open the letter to check whether it is the right letter or not. But this addition is very necessary for an email email client.

PS. I figured out why there was no save option in the context menu of the open letter. I always selected and copied part of the text of the letter to later rename the saved letter. Previously, when there was selected text in the body of a letter, there was such an item in the context menu (on the right mouse button), but now, if there is selected text, it is not there. You just need to deselect the text and the option to save the letter in the desired format from this add-on will appear. I recommend this supplement to everyone who needs to save e-mail.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 (14.0.1) 버전에 대한 것입니다.