Firefox user 110ea8

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개발자 정보
이름 Firefox user 110ea8
가입한 날짜 6월 30, 2022
개발한 부가 기능 수 부가 기능 0개
이 개발자의 부가 기능의 평균 별점 아직 별점 없음

내 검토

FileLink Provider for Dropbox

5점중 2점 받음

Unreliable. Once the Dropbox-connection is added, any upload works only once. All consecutive uploads quit with the error msg:
Upload Error - Unable to upload file xyz to Box.

You either have to restart Thunderbird or re-inititate the connection (i.e. delete the old one and add a new connection).

FileLink Provider for Box

5점중 2점 받음

Can confirm the previsous review for box:

Unreliable. Once the Box-connection is added, any upload works only once. All consecutive uploads quit with the error msg:
Upload Error - Unable to upload file xyz to Box.

You either have to restart Thunderbird or re-inititate the connection (i.e. delete the old one and add a new connection).

전에 이 사용자는 이 부가 기능에 1개 검토를 했습니다.

FileLink Provider for Box

5점중 1점 받음

Unreliable. Once the Box-connection is added, any upload works only once. All consecutive uploads quit with the error msg:
Upload Error - Unable to upload file xyz to Box.

You either have to restart Thunderbird or re-inititate the connection (i.e. delete the old one and add a new connection).