Jürgen Ernst

내 정보

개발자 정보
이름 Jürgen Ernst
사는 곳 Bensheim
직업 Ingenieur
홈페이지 http://www.juergen-ernst.de/addons/
가입한 날짜 11월 7, 2007
개발한 부가 기능 수 부가 기능 0개
이 개발자의 부가 기능의 평균 별점 5점중 4점 받음

내 검토


아직 별점 없음

This addon needs at least a good Privacy Policy!
Default behaviour could be used for phishing!

I downloaded the addon and changed/blocked xmlhttp-requests to report what is going on to me.

Every 0.5 seconds all browsers locations are scanned. If there is a new location it is pushed onto a queue stack. After 10 seconds a request is made to a server (

The problem is:
EVERY url is reported to that server. There is NO filter to restrict reporting. Searches on google including complete search text are reported as well as visits on HTTPS websites!

You don't have to click on a button of that toolbar. ALL your visits are reported to that server automatically!!!

I could not recommend to let this addon out of the sandbox.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 ( 버전에 대한 것입니다.