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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome iHopeTh1sW0rks
Utente da Feb. 24, 2010
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Le mie recensioni

Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save

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MHT & Faitfhul Save does have one problem regarding character substitution in the save-as file title, but that failing aside, it's a truly MUST HAVE for NE1 who saves webpages - which is most of us, and i.m.h.o.'it' should be built in to the basic Firefox program.

MHT&FS v2.0.5 and earlier versions DON'T appear to follow Intrnt.Explr convention regarding CHANGing DOTS - and perhaps some other special characters, in a file title TO an UNDERSCORE "_".

For example: if a web-pages title is "Blah blah version 3.0.1 blah.mht", then I.E. will save as "Blah blah version 3_0_1 blah.mht" MHT&FS may save as "Blah blah version 3_0.1 blah.mhtml" or, it MAY not change the dot characters at all.

4_5 out of 5 Stars from me. Currently using Vista Sp2 & Firefox 3.6.28

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

Custom Geometry

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Dear Kertis, Regards v2.5.0 release alterations to suit Firefox 4 [and thus forgetting that many many C.G. users are still using Firefox v3.x and will autoupdate to v2.5.0 without discovering you've killed off the limited Status Bar access v2.4.0 enjoyed.

PLEASE RESTORE (the existing limited) STATUS BAR ACCESS for Firefox v3.x users because it is now almost unusable.

Why? Because Firefox 4 will be a dud with many thousands of users (i.m.h.o.) if it doesn't have a Status Bar & just because lemmings jump off cliffs, doesn't mean that CustomGeometry has to be one of the first to jump (in fact it's better to be towards the rear as you're more likely to land safely on top of others!!!).

In the meantime I'll go back too v2.4.0. and thanks for the unintended heads-up about Firefox v4.x not having a Status Bar.

While I'm writing to you; the one feature I'd like to see added is full user access to CustomGeometry from the Status Bar - rather than having to go too Tools>Extension Options>CustomGeometry in order to add/change/delete a window

My Rating v2.4.0 ''4 out of 5'' a perfect 5 would be given if the user had full access from Firefox Status Bar; but i.m.h.o. for Firefox 3.6.x users v2.5.0 is a ''1 out of 5'' because it is now almost unusable.