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useful, mostly because wordreference is useful. i'm appreciative for the add-on, although it's a bit frustrating at times because the latest version is out of step with the current url formats used by wordreference. in most cases, it's not a problem - you're simply redirected to the right url - but if the word contains a letter with an accent, such as 'á', or 'ñ', the redirect fails. (i only translate between spanish and english, so i've no idea of how extensive this problem is with other languages.) surely the solution for this is simple, but i'm afraid the project has been abandoned and so the fix will never be implemented.

also, that criticism below about word-for-word translations is just pedantic and carping, and betrays a total ignorance of the richness of wordreference. at the head of each article are links to the word in its own dictionary and thesaurus, another to search a corpus for examples of its use, and still another to perform an image search using the word. below the header, you'll find a translation-based accounting of some of the different senses of the word, complete with sample sentences. scroll down even further and you'll find a listing of relevant forum threads that include the word in their title and, inside, contain discussions on the word's usage. to characterize such a resource as word-for-word translation is flatly absurd.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

Update 2014-02-01: I just tested es-en translation for accented words (with "ó" and "ñ") and both worked. Are you sure you are using the latest version of the add-on? The current one is 1.6.10. Best regards.

Thanks a lot for your accurate review and your brilliant explanation about wordreference!This week I will try to fix the issue with accents.And hopefully during the coming weeks I will be able to implement some automated tests to check the health of the URLs produced by the add-on.Best regards.