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I love this add on. I was worried that you couldnt disable the double-click effects, but the basics are configurable. It is fast, it automatically get the translation direction right.

I would like to see conjugations via another key (like "C"), and also a quick language selector config somewhere on the status bar. I might be able to do those things myself -- I see that the source is GPL, where can I get my hands on the source?

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Hi Roberto. Thank you for your feedback.

On conjugations: I'm not planning a shortcut for conjugations since I consider that need not very frequent and I pretend to keep the tool quite minimal; just for the most frequent needs.

On the source: The .xpi is a renamed .zip of the source. name it .zip again and extract it with any tool such as winzip, 7zip, winrar, ... (awesome isn't it?!)

On the quick language selector: I have to think more about that. I've received similar requests on the past weeks. These days I was planning to add somehow a secondary set of languages. I'm sort of waiting better documentation for Firefox 4 add-ons bar to be published ( is still a stub) and also considering porting the whole add-on to Add-on SDK (Jetpack).