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Fix for all messages.
By replacing the prTime2Str function at 416 with the below function will make the date received %datelocal%Reserved word match the time stamp of Thunderbird. The early comment only fix the problem on certain messages.

function prTime2Str(time, type, timezone)
//Patch to correctly handle emails.
var tm = new Date();
var fmt = Components.classes[";1"].
var locale = parent.pref.getCom("general.useragent.locale", "en-US");
// Set Time
tm.setTime(time / 1000);
// Format date string
switch (type) {
case "datelocal":
dateFormat = fmt.dateFormatLong; timeFormat = fmt.timeFormatSeconds;
case "dateshort":
dateFormat = fmt.dateFormatShort; timeFormat = fmt.timeFormatSeconds;
return fmt.FormatDateTime(locale, dateFormat, timeFormat,
tm.getFullYear(), tm.getMonth() + 1, tm.getDate(),
tm.getHours(), tm.getMinutes(), tm.getSeconds());

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I found one. If the headers section of the message is longer than 4096 bytes, then the extension doesn't work. This may have several reasons. For example there are many recipients of the message. Or some antivirus adds to much extra information. In my case it was the mailing list which produced large headers. You can see the complete headers in message source code - press CTRL+U.

If the extension doesn't work for some message, just open Tools - Error console. You should see a message like:
hdr.get is not a function
If you can see it, then you probably have the same problem.

I have modified the extension so it accepts 32768 bytes which is a limit on many mail servers. It also contains two new reserved words TZ and TZ_NAME mentioned in my previous review. You can download it from!download|47l32|442537343|smarttemplate-0.6.0-tb_timezones.xpi|36

I will contact the author so maybe the fix will be available in the next official version.

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Nice extension and I love it. But there is one issue about the time stamp in Reply and Forward. It looks to me that SmartTemplate uses the sender's local time instead of my time shown in Thunderbird. I tried all date formats; the results are the same. Other than this, everything works fine with me.

Try to check "Use instead of standard quote header"; I believe this will take care of it.
If you're using <br> in your setting, be sure to uncheck "Replace new-line with <br>"

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I've got some trouble trying to figure out to add a From,To,CC, Subject and a Date to the message and say there reply's
I'm currently using the following:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

> <b>From:</b> %from%

> <b>To:</b> %to%

> <b>CC:</b> %cc%

> <b>Subject: </b>%subject%

> <b>Date:</b> %date%


The problem is that after sending thunderbird replaced the space for a double space before sending "> " becomes: "> ".
Is there a solution for?

It also happens that thunderbird add a new line in my CC when it's long and that also breaking the reply braces.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Great extension! Without it I would be still using TBv2.0.0.x and TB Reset Quote Header -it doesn't work with v.3.x-, so thanks a lot for it. But -there's always a 'but'- as greypillar says it does not work in all e-mails: sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I've tried to find the reason -several quote/reply levels, different languages, etc.- to no avail: I've been unable to find a consistent reason, but, whatever the reason, it simply does not work in some cases, for no apparent reason.

I'm using TBv3.1.6 for Mac and SmartTemplate v0.6.0

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As reported by Gunnar Bittersmann on November 3, 2010, the same phenomenon occurred in my Thunderbird/3.1.6 on Mac OS X 10.6.5 for Japanese.

I use %dateshort% in reply template at the SmartTemplate0.6.0. In this help, the command is shown to yield as an example:"2010/01/01 1:23:45". Unfortunately, the result in my thunderbird is "10/11/23 21:03:00".

My setting of the short-form of date is YYYY-MM-DD in "Language and Text" at OS X, 10.6.5.

I hope that the full YYYY will be supported in your add-on at Mac OS X.

Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle

Hi all

I was loving this extension but, recently, it has stopped working sometimes (that is, it works on some emails and not on others). There doesn't seem to be any difference between the emails. I am using v 0.6.0, and TB

Any tips? Thanks.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I'd like to have an option in SmartTemplate that would remove the "blockquote" tag in the standard reply message. Some people don't like the indented format of the Thunderbird reply and the removal of the blockquote element would eliminate the indention as displayed by Thunderbird and as received by the recipient.

Questo utente ha inserito 3 recensioni precedenti su questo componente aggiuntivo.

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@leachimus: Nothing was wrong. Germany's time zone offset is +02:00 with CEDT (Sommerzeit), and +01:00 with CET. You might have noticed that things have changed since 31 October.

The add-on works fine under MS Windows: I have set the date format to YYYY-MM-DD and '%from(name)% scripsit (%dateshort% %date_tz%):' results in 'John Doe scripsit (2010-11-01 18:30 +0100):'.

But Mac users, beware! Changing the date format (System preferences > Language & Text > Formats Dates [Customize]) from the region's default (DD.MM.YY for Germany in my case) to YYYY-MM-DD does not change the settings for that region (which is tied with the user's preferred language – a very questionable approach, BTW), but leads to a new region 'Custom'.SmartTemplate, however, does not care about these settings, but uses the default for Germany (in my case): the same '%from(name)% scripsit (%dateshort% %date_tz%):' as above results in 'John Doe scripsit (01.11.10 18:30 +0100):'.

Is it a bug in the add-on?

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

This is good because it lets me use the actual time from the sender's message when I reply. It doesn't use my local time zone. It would be better if the "%X:=sent%" keyword also used the sender's timezone.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Hello There,

I've long search for this add-on an here is it now. Thanks for this. Its wotks great, but the GMT is not correkt appear by me.
I live in Germany and we've the timezone GMT +1. The temple-code %date_tz% but appears GMT +2. What's wrong?
Windows time zone is correct.

Here my template:
is little or pretty extensive :)

<div style="border-left: thin solid blue; padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em; margin-bottom: -2.4em; FONT: 10pt verdana; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; moz-background-clip: initial; moz-background-origin: initial; moz-background-inline-policy: initial">----- Originale Nachricht -----<div style="FONT: 10pt verdana; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; moz-background-clip: initial; moz-background-origin: initial; moz-background-inline-policy: initial"><b>Von:</b>
<a href="mailto:%from(mail)%">%from(mail)%</a>{,
<a href="mailto:%from(mail)%">%from(name)%</a>}</div><div div style="FONT: 10pt verdana; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; moz-background-clip: initial; moz-background-origin: initial; moz-background-inline-policy: initial"><b>An:</b>
<a href="mailto:%to(mail)%">%to(mail)%</a>{,
<a href="mailto:%to(mail)%">%to(name)%</a>}</div><div div style="FONT: 10pt verdana; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; moz-background-clip: initial; moz-background-origin: initial; moz-background-inline-policy: initial">
{<b>CC:</b> <a href="mailto:%cc(mail)%">%cc(mail)%</a>,
<a href="mailto:%cc(mail)%">%cc(name)%</a>}</div><div div style="FONT: 10pt verdana; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; moz-background-clip: initial; moz-background-origin: initial; moz-background-inline-policy: initial"><b>Gesendet am:</b>
%datelocal%, GMT: %date_tz%</div><div div style="FONT: 10pt verdana; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; moz-background-clip: initial; moz-background-origin: initial; moz-background-inline-policy: initial"><b>Betreff:</b>

Who can help.

thx a lot

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I think it is missing a major feature of being able to utilize the Templates created on online accounts like IMAP (Save>Template ). As we use a centralized online mail system with everyone accessing the same group of email accounts from their Home or office PC when not in the office. Standard Templates have been created for everyone's common use and no one is allowed to change the content format. moreover modifications to these templates and addition of new templates to this online template folder takes place almost every week. and keeping local template files will create lot of version conflicts and other issues that you can understand. It would be great if you would be able to provide the feature to select the IMAP templates folder containing the templates. one more important thing i would like to add is these templates contain image and file attachments and inline images.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

A reply to Russell Bateman:
1) Double click on the blue vertical line left (or right) of your text.
2) Remove at least "type: cite".
3) Copy the indented quote.
4) Press the Outdent text (move left) button.

While typing this i thought of a new method:
1) Select everything (Ctrl + A)
2) Outdent everything (Ctrl + [)

After surfing a bit more, it seems possible to remove those lines with Quote Colors 0.3 or changing some code in some files. I tried both but it doesnt work yet...

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Very excellent add on thank you

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Fantastic Addon. Only that it doesn't seem to work perfectly with TB 3.1.3, whereas it worked perfectly with TB 3.0.3. The part that is not working is the font face. Here is my code...

<hr noshade>
<P STYLE="margin-left: 0.25cm; margin-bottom: 0cm">
<FONT FACE="Georgia, serif"><FONT SIZE=-1>
<b>From:</b> <i> %from%</i><br>
<b>To:</b> <i>%to%</i><br>
<b>Cc:</b> <i>%cc%</i><br>
<b>Sent on:</b> <i>%date%</i><br>
<b>Subject:</b> <i>%subject%</i><br>

I get everything working except the font is not Georgia, but the standard "Variable Width Font". Could you please help.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

How to use %X:=sent%

Tried the followign <b><font face="Arial Black">Sent: </font></b>%X:=sent% %A%, %B% %e%, %Y% %I%:%M% %p(3)% seems it works as expected.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Could you please clarify how to use the %X:=sent% reserved word? I'm still seeing the current date/time instead on the original email date/time.
I'm using this syntax:
<font face="Trebuchet MS" size="2"><b>Sent:</b> %A%, %B% %d%, %Y% %l%:%M% %p(3)%</font>

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Excellent add-on. In particular, it addresses the "dirty header" Thunderbird creates when Forwarding email. So far I have been using "Change quote and reply format" which for some reason neglected the forwarding header. I now use Smarttemplate with the below simple but effective template for both replying and forwarding:

--------------Original Message--------------
Subject: %subject%
To: %to%
From: %from%
Date: %date% "
Ignore the quote marks.

Well done Gaby... What took you so long...

Now... if you could turn your attention to detaching attachments, like old Eudora 7.1 used to do, I would be most grateful!!

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Very useful Add-on!

My Reply-Template:

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: %subject%
From: %from%
To: %to% {, %cc%}
Date: %date%

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I would like to define in my template some css styles and for that the html code will contain curly braces. Eg.

BODY * {
font-size: 12px;

The problem is that curly braces have a special meaning and they (the braces) as well as everything between the braces dissapear, leading to the following result


which does not define much of a style.