Steve Palmer

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Nama Steve Palmer
Pengguna sejak Juli 21, 2008
Jumlah pengaya yang dikembangkan 0 pengaya
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Peringkat 3 dari 5 bintang

manofcrowd's post is referring to maxVersion which Char101 already pointed out. I was referring to a change to minVersion in addition to maxVersion. When you say "works", have you tried editing a preference under "Tools/Add-on Options/FiltaQuilla"?

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (1.3.2) sebelumnya.  Pengguna ini memiliki 1 ulasan terdahulu untuk pengaya ini.


Peringkat 3 dari 5 bintang

While Beardie's and Char101's changes do allow it to run, the Add-on Options dialog box for FiltaQuilla is broke. There is no way to save changes to preferences (one must use Alt-F4 just to close out the dialog box). Anybody have a fix for that?

Also, I found that changing line 16 (min version) in install.rdf from 3.0b3pre to 45.0 allows for the extension to run when extensions.strict Compatibility is reset back to true.

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (1.3.2) sebelumnya.