Patrick Cloke

Tentang saya

Informasi Pengembang
Nama Patrick Cloke
Pekerjaan Engineer
Situs Web
Pengguna sejak Sep. 3, 2007
Jumlah pengaya yang dikembangkan 0 pengaya
Rata-rata peringkat untuk pengembang pengaya Peringkat 3 dari 5 bintang

Ulasan Saya

Newsgroup Links

Peringkat 3 dari 5 bintang

Seems to do what it says, although the links it generates didn't load properly in Google Groups (I just got redirected back to the Google Groups homepage). I'll blame Google Groups for that though. :)

Just a heads up that the overlay seems a bit broken in current nightly builds. The "Google Group Link" appears on top of the "From" header.