Pengguna Firefox a249ca

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Informasi Pengembang
Nama Pengguna Firefox a249ca
Pengguna sejak Jan. 7, 2018
Jumlah pengaya yang dikembangkan 0 pengaya
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Ulasan Saya

Theme Font & Size Changer for ThunderBird

Peringkat 1 dari 5 bintang

I cannot install it. When I go to the suggested URL for T-Bird users to download, I get a message "this...if...not available for your platform" This is a most frustrating situation. I had everything running along well until about five days ago when Thunderbird reverted to a very tiny font (almost illegible) and I cannot restore my larger font, etc.

Please supply me with a uncorrupted version of the add-on suitable for Windows 7,and Thunderbird 52.5.2.

Thank you

Steve Bonrepos
[email protected]

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (62.0) sebelumnya.