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Informasi Pengembang
Pengguna sejak Des. 2, 2007
Jumlah pengaya yang dikembangkan 0 pengaya
Rata-rata peringkat untuk pengembang pengaya Peringkat 4 dari 5 bintang

Ulasan Saya

MinimizeToTray Reanimated

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Could You please add support for NewMoon (a PaleMoon-clone for windows XP)
As former Mozilla addons developer I know and understand the issues concerning future compatibility of the addon.
Unfortunately I currently have no C++ development environment available, but I think it's not too hard to compile the nece3ssary DLL for you.
How much Dollors would you expect as a fee to do this?
I would pay in advance.

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (1.4.7) sebelumnya. 

Session Alive

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

I was just about to delete my Mod because I believed that no one really used it - Now I know better, it is still needed :-)

I set the maximum version quite high because I am sure that this little addon is able to survive many new Firefox versions.
The warning about incompatible version should be fixed now.

If you need to contact me for what reason ever, please go to my homepage (messgeboard) - I rarely visit this site here.


Session Alive

Peringkat 4 dari 5 bintang

...just by sending an xml-http null request to the configured website. So you don't get logged out... ..until -after hours- the website's administrator wonders about what is going on ;-)
So there is a little drawback. If all tabs of the configured domain are closed, the extension won't stop sending keep-alive signals under certain circumstances. (To the author: You may want to have a look on my "Session-Alive-MOD" located at http://netcat.ath.cx/SessionAlive/SessionAlive.htm)

All in all a good idea and an useful extension,
please release it to the public.

Stop Autoplay

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Since I found this perl, I dared to install that evil flash plugin.
Now I'm able to run flash or music when I really want or need it. No flash-ads and free a choice.
That's what I like. Thank you!!!

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (0.7.2) sebelumnya.