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Nama Devilush
Pengguna sejak Jan. 26, 2010
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Duplicate Tab

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Duplicate Tab Max Version 99.0 download link :
(Tested with Beta8.0,Release7.0)

@Empatojayos : Why don't you just clone it and upload it to this site,and maintain it yourself,the original creator has obviously abandoned this add-on.I set the max version so high so people won't have to bother looking for an update,since there has not been one from Twanno in a very long time.I have been using this add-on for a few years now and It works fine with every Firefox release so far...with add-on compatibility reporter installed.If it stops working...find a suitable replacement that is maintained.

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Duplicate Tab

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Duplicate Tab Max Version 99.0 download link :
(Tested with all current Firefox Versions,Aurora,Beta,Release)

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Duplicate Tab

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Duplicate Tabs Max Version 99.0 download link :

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Duplicate Tab

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Still functions correctly in Firefox 7.0

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Duplicate This Tab

Peringkat 1 dari 5 bintang

Review was meant for a different add-on with a like name.

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (1.2.1-signed.1-signed) sebelumnya.  Pengguna ini memiliki 2 ulasan terdahulu untuk pengaya ini.

Duplicate Tab

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Still functions correctly in Firefox 6.0 & Beta7.0.Please update.

Duplicate This Tab

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Add-on Compatibility Reporter is recommended for Firefox beta/alpha users so they can test their add-ons functionality,it is perfectly safe for you to use and requires no developer knowledge.All it does is allow the installation of incompatible add-ons and sending reports so that the add-on developer can be made aware of it functioning correctly or not with new Firefox versions.

This add-on still functions properly with Firefox 5.0,so what you can do is edit the MAX VERSION yourself if you do not want to wait for the developer to update.

How to edit the MAX VERSION here :

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (1.2.1-signed.1-signed) sebelumnya.  Pengguna ini memiliki ulasan lainnya untuk pengaya ini.

Duplicate This Tab

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Very useful and much needed for me.
It is compatible with Firefox 5.0 and works perfectly(w/Add-on Compatibility Reporter)

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (1.2.1-signed.1-signed) sebelumnya. 

AutoCopy Plus

Peringkat 4 dari 5 bintang

Add paste on middle click.


Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

Paste on middle click no longer works for me,any way to correct this issue ?

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya ( sebelumnya. 

Stylish - Custom themes for any website

Peringkat 5 dari 5 bintang

The is down,I get this message : Application error (Apache)

Change this error message for exceptions thrown outside of an action (like in Dispatcher setups or broken Ruby code) in public/500.html

Please fix this as I have some updates to add to the site.

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (1.0.11) sebelumnya.