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TutupRiwayat Versi Transliterator
37 versi
Hati-hati dengan versi lawas!
Versi berikut ditampilkan sebagai referensi dan keperluan pengujian. Anda sebaiknya selalu menggunakan versi terbaru pengaya.
Versi 0.5
Versi 0.4
Versi 0.3
Major code overhaul, on-the-fly conversion, functionality in dialog windows
Versi 0.2.2
Capital hard sign (Ъ) and soft sign (Ь) are now entered with two backticks instead of tilda and two single quotes instead of a double quote, respectively, or with a single backtick/quote character, with capitalization guessed automatically from context. Automatic capitalization will always err on the side of lower case.
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