Riwayat Versi English United States Dictionary

10 versi

Hati-hati dengan versi lawas!

Versi berikut ditampilkan sebagai referensi dan keperluan pengujian. Anda sebaiknya selalu menggunakan versi terbaru pengaya.

Versi 115.0 189.3 KiB

Update to Firefox/Thunderbird 115.

Versi 91.0 189.4 KiB

Updated to the dictionary shipping with TB/FF 91.

Versi 78.0 188.6 KiB

Versi 68.0 187.3 KiB

Versi 60.1webext 204.7 KiB

Versi 60 186.3 KiB

Versi 52 208.8 KiB

Update to en-US dictionary as shipped with Firefox 52.

Versi 45 210.1 KiB

Before this add-on provided the SCOWL "large" size dictionary. Since this is now distributed in another add-on, this add-on now distributes the Mozilla-maintained en-US English dictionary of the latest Firefox ESR release.

Versi 2016.01.19 306.5 KiB

Update to new SCOWL version 2016.01.19

Versi 2015.08.24 306.2 KiB