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TutupRiwayat Versi Quicker Filer
10 versi
Hati-hati dengan versi lawas!
Versi berikut ditampilkan sebagai referensi dan keperluan pengujian. Anda sebaiknya selalu menggunakan versi terbaru pengaya.
Versi 0.6.4
Versi 0.6.1
Versi 0.4.0
1. Create folder: If a folder can't be found and the path doesn't start with an account name and the user only has one account this will automatically be used.
2. Added option to copy sending mail to a selectable folder. Extra field present in compose dialog. Defaults to current folder. The "place a copy in" options for the account still works and a mail will be copied to both folder if user select this. Recommend that the account "place a copy in" is disabled though.
3. Fixed bug. Now "virtual search folders" are only shown when selecting folder, not in copy/move dialog.
4. Fixed bug that makes Quicker Filer only move, not copy under certain conditions.
Versi 0.3.0
1. Create Folder. When the folder can not be found Quicker Filer will ask if you want to create the folder and then copy the selected messages into the newly created folder.
2. Select Folder. Quicker Filer search dialog may now also be used to just select a folder. Defaults to "Alt + R"
3. Space between search words will now be searched for in folder paths independently. White space is no longer significant in searches.
4. When you have typed enough letters to limit the folder list to one entry, one can just press 'enter' or 'tab' to complete the move.
5. New option to offer the previously-selected folder as default suggested folder.
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