

Fejlesztői információ
Név 1antonio12345
Ezóta tag febr. 1, 2015
Létrehozott kiegészítők száma 0 kiegészítő
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Saját értékelések

Perfect View

4 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

panel options can not be activated and there is also a conflict with save file extension to 2.5.5 when I want to save an image in a particular folder (happens only when perfect view mode is enabled gallery to view all images in a page, not when I do the same but only open for a particular image, in this case works perfectly)

I discovered that the ublock extension origin for some reason I blocked the panel, after many consegui attempts to start it (although I'm not quite sure how I did it) and now I got to fix it, but what the extension save file to business as usual.

Thanks in advance for the help. Your addon is very good

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