Personal Level Indicators verziótörténete

3 verzió

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0.8 verzió 12.1 KiB Működik SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.21.*, Thunderbird 3.1 - 52.*

More robustness: Addon will now notice changes in indentities and does not require a restart anymore. Also a bug has been fixed that required changing the settings before the addon properly worked.

0.7 verzió 11.9 KiB Működik SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.21.*, Thunderbird 3.1 - 31.*

* New feature: On popular demand the indicator style is now configurable via an inline option in the Add-ons Manager. The add-on now distinguishes two styles:
  • The GMail style shows a » if the mail was addressed only to you, a › if the mail was addressed to a group or nothing if it was sent to a mailing list.
  • The triple style shows a single › if the mail was sent to you, a » if it was sent to a group and a triple › if it was sent to a mailing list.

0.5 verzió 9.0 KiB Működik SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.10.*, Thunderbird 3.1 - 19.*

* email address matching is now case insensitive