Tacaíocht Teanga


AI Anywhere for ChatGPT

ChatGPT enhancer - adds context menu, keyboard shortcuts, history and more!

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (6)
2,613 úsáideoir

Grammar and Spell Checker — LanguageTool

Check your emails for spelling and grammar issues

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (29)
60,819 úsáideoir

Web Translate

The best Translator for Thunderbird!

Supported translators:
Google Translate
Microsoft Translator
Яндекс Переводчик
Google 翻译

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (24)
43,596 úsáideoir

✨ Awesome Emoji Picker ✨

Modern, nice emoji picker that you can use to find and select emojis. It will be copied to your clipboard or even directly inserted into the e-mail, when you click on it.

You will certainly like it.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (6)
4,844 úsáideoir

Charset Menu

Restores the charset menu removed in Thunderbird 91 and fixes an issue in Thunderbird 78.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (9)
5,069 úsáideoir

Dictionary for recipient

Sets the spell check dictionary based on the first recipient

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (3)
5,041 úsáideoir

Automatic Dictionary

Remembers the language you use with a person or group of people, and switches the spellchecker language automatically for you next time. You do not have to do it manually any more. It remembers and switches it for you.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (49)
3,928 úsáideoir

Grammalecte [fr] (for Thunderbird)

Correcteur grammatical dédié à la langue française. Inclus : conjugueur, formateur de texte et dictionnaires orthographiques.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (16)
6,333 úsáideoir

Rikaichan Japanese-German Dictionary File Atosú de dhíth

A dictionary file for Rikaichan.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
1 úsáideoir

WordReference Translator Atosú de dhíth

Open a tab with WordReference's translation for the selected word. Through a floating link, or by pressing "D" key.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (38)
1 úsáideoir

Character Palette Atosú de dhíth

Firefox toolbar for selecting strange characters that are not on my keyboard.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (16)
2 úsáideoir

Dictionary Switcher for Thunderbird Atosú de dhíth

Toggles spelling dictionaries automatically or manually and displays the currently selected one in the status bar.
Now merged with Dictionary Switcher v1.3 for Firefox/SeaMonkey

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (26)
22 úsáideoir

Mukparasi Atosú de dhíth

A Korean popup dictionary based on Rikaichan
Requires the additional dictionary addon.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars (1)
1 úsáideoir

Chat RTL Atosú de dhíth

Fixing the Chat so it would support RTL languages (i.e. Hebrew, Arabic) better.

Gan rátáil fós
0 úsáideoir

QIRIMTATARCA Til Destesi: Sandeböd [Crimean Tatar] Atosú de dhíth

Thunderbird'ni Qırımtatarcalaştırır.
DİQQAT: 16.0 sürüminden evvelki bir sürümni qurğan qullanıcılar uyğulamanıñ 17.0 sürümine yañartqandan soñ eklentiniñ 17.0 sürümini elden yañıdan qurmalı ( http://tilde-birlik.sourceforge.net/#21.11.2012 ).

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0 úsáideoir

Zombie Keys (Multilanguage Keyboard) Atosú de dhíth

Enter accents, diacritics, diaeresis, umlauts, ligatures etc. with keyboards of various countries (us,uk,ie,fr,it,ru,de,sv) - via easy to remember shortcuts or menu. Also supports all textboxes of the application (such as search, filters).

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (25)
24 úsáideoir


Rewrite or generate text based on promps using OpenAI's API.

Configure on settings page (make sure to save) and start to use when writing your emails!

You must have a payment method on record with OpenAI and an API key. OpenAI charge for use.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (8)
379 úsáideoir

Text Insert: Templates/Instant Spell Check

Email composer:

*Upper case the first letter of nouns, names, or words at sentence start
*Android(TM) like spellcheck/suggest alternatives (DE, EN, ES, FR,NL)
*Insert styled text, images, tables with shortcuts
*Define shortcut-replacements.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars (7)
288 úsáideoir

MALA Hindi Spell Checker by MCRPV, (Anurag Seetha) Atosú de dhíth

MALA (Makhanlal) Hindi Shabd Shodhak to check Spelling of Hindi Unicode Text by Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism & Communication, Bhopal, India. Chief Developer - Dr. Anurag Seetha. The program is Released Under the GNU GPL V 3

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0 úsáideoir

www.Translate Atosú de dhíth

Multi-Translator from Google, Bing and Pragma.
Translation tool for your Firefox and Thunderbird with a simple and friendly interface.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars (33)
21 úsáideoir