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Information développeur
Utilisateur depuis mai 10, 2022
Nombre de modules développés 0 modules
Moyenne des notes des modules du développeur Pas encore évalué

Mes critiques


Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

first of all, thank you for your great work!

I have a few questions, maybe suggestions:

1) Would it be possible to use the header for replies for a consistent image also for forwarding?

2) The date format shows the days of the week only in English and in abbreviation (3 letters). Many different users in different languages probably have many different desires.
Would it be possible to define the weekdays completely by yourself?
The same would be with the months.

3) For replies I use only one format. Thank you very much for the added drop down menu on reply button, but would it be possible to add a 'toggle on/off' option for it, maybe with a selectable preset format?

Thank you very much!

Cette critique concerne une version précédente du module (1.5.3).