Ken Londoner

À propos de moi

Information développeur
Nom Ken Londoner
Pays Nebraska
Profession Actor
Utilisateur depuis avr. 18, 2016
Nombre de modules développés 0 modules
Moyenne des notes des modules du développeur Pas encore évalué

En détails…

Ken Londoner is a well known actor with a lot of acting experience. He began his journey at a young age in his home town of Omaha in the state of Nebraska. His father was also an actor, and his grandfather was one of the most important figures in Omaha’s theater scene, as he was among the founders of the first theater there.

In high school, Ken Londoner was fortunate enough to land a few minor roles in some TV series, which although didn’t rise him to success, they still opened the door of the entertainment business to him, and though him some valuable lessons and even more important, experience.
After finishing high school he was decided to go after his dreams, and before turning eighteen, Ken Londoner left his home town and moved alone to the Big Apple, determined to make an acting career for himself. His talent was soon noticed, and even before earning his Bachelor Degree in Visual Arts, he won his first lead role in a movie.

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