
À propos de moi

Information développeur
Nom Astral4
Utilisateur depuis fév. 16, 2008
Nombre de modules développés 0 modules
Moyenne des notes des modules du développeur Pas encore évalué

Mes critiques


Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

I haven't had a chance to use it much but wanted to give it a god review as it deserves one. I was using the Flash Video Downloader 1.9.96 and couldn't dwonload videos from a Site I frequent often. Got rid of that and tried thos one and it worked great! This should be rated much higher than it is...certainly above the previously mentioned down loader. Thanks for all the time and energy you put into it...much appreciated!!!

Cette critique concerne une version précédente du module (0.4.3). 


Pas encore évalué

This is great. I'll be using this a lot. Haven't had a chance to use much yet but looks really good so far...a few more Tabs would be nice, but I'm just glad I have it...nice work.

Cette critique concerne une version précédente du module (