Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

I just clicked the "Meet MaDonna" link when I opened Firefox and saw the article and the video about your theme development. Honestly, I created this account just to write this: you are awesome and your grandson deserves a never-ending slow clap.

I went looking for your themes and saw that I had already installed your "Sunset Over water" years ago (and it was all white for some reason, so I needed to reinstall it).

I was wondering if you have done something recently, and here it is, released TODAY. Pure awesomeness in a fractal design. I believe this is one of my favorite themes until now. I'd like to see more of these (especially if you use green and blue colors).

Well done and keep up! We need 17k more, or perhaps, even more :)

Wow, thanks so much, Gosapa. I am so glad you found me! And my work! I enjoy working with themes so much and hearing wonderful comments from people is even more encouraging. Check out my blog sometime and become a fan! You might like it . Thanks again for the star review.