Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Thank you ShareBird! That was certainly easier than trying to follow highwaykind's instructions.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Just realize that these versions have much more work on them than highwaykind modifications. Those modifications just allow that the theme can be installed, but don't actually make it "work" properly... ;-)

Arvosteltu: 3/5 tähteä

Highwaykind: I'm trying to get Silvermel to work with TB 31 following your instructions, but it's not happening. I do not have 2 of the 3 files needed: silvermel.jar, silvermelxt.xip. So I can't proceed with altering them. How can I get them? What should I do? Can I email you directly? I really like this theme and want to follow your intructions. On my theme appearance list, Silvermel is listed, but is disabled.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Hallo catwomann,