
Tietoja minusta

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Käyttäjä alkaen maalis 5, 2007
Kehitettyjä lisäosia 0 lisäosaa
Average rating of developer's add-ons Ei vielä pisteytetty

Omat arviot

Reply Monitor

Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Excellent, thanks. I've been following your work with GSOC and was looking forward to using it in real :)So far, so good!

Question: is there a criteria we can use to build our own Saved Search for mails still pending for reply?

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.1). 


Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Thanks, was looking for that feature for ages :)

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.1). 


Arvosteltu: 4/5 tähteä

Very useful and handy, because it also allows to sort "To" first, and "CC"second.


Arvosteltu: 4/5 tähteä

Very promising.
Does break my status bar on main TB window with TB 13 and 14 though.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.9).  This user has a previous review of this add-on.


Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Thanks for this simple extension I've been looking for for ages... :)

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.9). 


Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

The "Send to Kindle" feature and its button are awesome, thanks :)

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.1). 

Header Tools Lite

Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Tested and adopted! Works well even with IMAP.
Thank you Paolo for all your highly useful addons

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.4). 


Arvosteltu: 3/5 tähteä

The English translation is not the one displayed on the French version of AMO: the German one shows up actually :)

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.2.1). 

Color Folders

Arvosteltu: 3/5 tähteä

Used to love it, but same issue as Paras :(

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0).  This user has a previous review of this add-on.


Arvosteltu: 3/5 tähteä

on my PC with TB7 and Windows XP (my timezone is CET).

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.3.4).  This user has a previous review of this add-on.

Is It Compatible?

Arvosteltu: 3/5 tähteä

Very useful indeed, thanks.
Just one thing though: I have tens of add-ons and this addon here slows the add-on manager really down. I don't know what it does behind the scene, but I had to uninstall it because of that. Maybe some caching mechanism may help?


Arvosteltu: 3/5 tähteä

I'm using the tab key to leave the subject field and enter into the body field. Problem is, when I do that, the first entry in the subject history is selected and replaces the whole subject I just entered manually.
Also, I don"t get how AUTOcompletion works here, as all the previous entries are displayed in the list... I thought it would take the letter I'm typing into account... Maybe I'm using a wrong setting (the default ones for the moment)

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.0.3). 

Auto Compress File

Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Excellent and useful, thanks.
Is there an option to get the .zip extension automatically turned into .zi_ , so that the mail can pass through antiviruses or filters (in my company for instance, I can't receive a mail with a .zip file in it. But .zi_ works well)? Thanks

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.1.0). 

Color Folders

Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Excellent and elegant, thanks :)

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.9). 

WAT (WebApplicationTab)

Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Excellent :) Kudos!
One request: could you please add a way to copy the URL of a page by rightlclick?

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.3.1).  This user has 2 previous reviews of this add-on.

WAT (WebApplicationTab)

Arvosteltu: 4/5 tähteä

Very useful, thanks.
Would like to have the ability to always open links in TB for links in a WAT tab, while the preference on whether to open links in the browser would apply on links within mails only.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.3).  This user has other reviews of this add-on.


Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Excellent, as all your addons are, Paolo
And, by the way, welcome on AMO, the second best TB add-ons collection after your own site (https://nic-nac-project.org/~kaosmos/index-en.html) ;)

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.6.1). 

Attachment Manager

Arvosteltu: 3/5 tähteä

Very useful, thanks.
Other areas for improvement could be:
- (most important) a way to hide/show the attachement panel (as it is not used always :) )
- a way to keep in the list those attachement of emails that I left-click in sequence without using Shift or Ctrl keys (and possibly in different folders)
- detection of attached emails (currently, there do not seem to be detected as attachments)

Thanks a lot :)

Tag Dialog

Arvosteltu: 4/5 tähteä

Thanks a lot, this is very useful :)
One small request: the autocompletion does search a pattern at the beginning of tag names, not anywhere within the name. Do you think this could be changed? I mean once the search pattern has more than 2 caracters, it could be very handy. Thanks :)

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.5). 

tasks & mails

Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Thanks Gilles, usability is even better than before :)

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.6.3).  This user has 4 previous reviews of this add-on.