
Niri buruz

Garatzailearen informazioa
Izena etiess
Erabiltzaile noiztik mai. 15, 2007
Garatutako gehigarrien kopurua 0 add-ons
Average rating of developer's add-ons Puntuatu gabe oraindik

Nire berrikuspenak

Expression Search / GMailUI

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

For all interested in updating this addon, please vote in (under the 'Details' paragraph) but please don't add any comment to the thread if you don't add further information, it's not useful and could disturb the work of thunderbird developers. Thanks!


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

The missing addon!

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.6.4).