Firefox user 3527d7

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Izena Firefox user 3527d7
Erabiltzaile noiztik aza. 14, 2017
Garatutako gehigarrien kopurua 0 add-ons
Average rating of developer's add-ons Puntuatu gabe oraindik

Nire berrikuspenak


Rated 1 out of 5 stars

This is so super cool! Clean, simple, super subtle! I love it! thumbs up!


Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Needs a better Color scheme. Also the resolution/aspect-ratio is absolutely horrific. :( keep it up tho...

Black Pixel Fox

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

im sorry, but there's too limited of a review/comment box to appropriately generate words explaining how much i love the digital fox theme!

better yet, put it liike this

whats NOT to love?

